chapter sixty eight.

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Ben didn't think the day would come when Lucy and Claudia would meet. He thought it would be later, but here they were having breakfast while watching Twilight on his laptop. Claudia didn't even notice him enter the apartment.

"He's so hot and he knows it," Claudia said as she kept staring at Robert Pattinson.

Ben cleared his throat. "I hope you're talking about me."

Claudia turned around and saw Ben with a smirk. "Yeah, totally. You're hot, you just want people to say it."

"If we're talking about hot people then my man should definitely be in that conversation," Lucy interrupted.

"Nope. Not him again!" Ben walked away to his bedroom. He could still hear Lucy begin to talk about Andrew Garfield to Claudia. Once he got to his room, he walked to his closet to find something more comfortable to wear. He took off his shirt and threw it on the bed. As he searched for a shirt, a light knock on the door was heard.

"Hey," Claudia leaned against the doorframe. "are you hungry? Lucy made breakfast. It's amazing."

Ben chuckled. "If she made it then she definitely wants something."

Claudia noticed that Ben still didn't have a shirt on. "Are you going to put a shirt on?"

Ben looked down at his body. "Oh, look at that. I'm shirtless, half naked. Wait, am I making you blush?" He looked at her. His words made her look away, hiding her smile. "Claudia." He said in a low voice.

But she still didn't look at him. So he approached her with a smirk plastered on his face.

"I'm sorry I wasn't here when you woke up," he apologized. With his right hand, he pushed away a piece of her hair from her face.

"It's okay, Ben, I had company that I didn't know I had. Plus you have a job, making movies and shows that i know you're fucking amazing in." Claudia stared at him then looked down at his lips.

Ben's hand then cupped her face. He tilted his head as she placed her hand ontop of his. "I kinda like you right now," he said to her.

"Yeah, you better." Claudia stood on her tiptoes to kiss him. Ben didn't think twice on pulling Claudia closer to him and closing his bedroom door.

In the living room, Lucy heard the door shut. She noticed Claudia had been gone for a few minutes, but with the shutting of the door, Lucy knew Claudia was going to be gone for more than a few minutes.

"Just me, myself and Edward Cullen. It's always just lonely Lucy with her fictional characters," Lucy grabbed Ben's laptop, her plate of chocolate chip pancakes and Ben's blanket. "no one date Lucy the Twilight obsessed girl who can't spell necessary." She whispered to herself jokingly.

After she gathered her items, Lucy walked out of Ben's apartment and walked down the stairs to the floor below them to her 'friends' apartment. (Her friend was really just her cousin's dealer, but he was pretty good company and Lucy recently found out that his guilty pleasure was watching Twilight.)

Back in Ben's room, Claudia was currently on top of Ben, kissing him. Ben's hand touched the back of her thigh, which made Claudia gasp.

"You still want me to put on a shirt?" Ben asked, rolling them over so now he was on top of her.

Claudia didn't respond, she just grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him in for another kiss. Ben's lips then trailed down to her neck.

But the moment was short lived. Claudia's phone was ringing from the nightstand. She wish it hadn't. She mentally reminded herself to turn it off next time.

After several rings, it stopped. But not even a minute later, it started to ring again. Claudia sighed and lightly slapped Ben's shoulder to get his attention. But he still didn't stop.

"Ben, my phone is ringing. I don't know if you know what that means, but someone is calling me," Claudia slowly closed her eyes and almost gave in, but the ringing wouldn't stop.

"I heard," Ben finally stopped and looked at her. "would it make me am asshole if i say ignore it?"

Claudia chuckled. "You loveable asshole. You're lucky I like you." Ben got off of Claudia to let her reach her phone. He laid in his bed as she answered the phone.

"Hello?" Claudia laid beside Ben, running her hand through his hair.

"Thank god you answer! We're having a big situation over here!" Edward yelled into the phone.

In the background, Claudia heard Janis yelling and things being thrown and probably glass shattering. "You piece of garbage shit, both of you!"

"Shit, I'll be home in less than ten. Bye." Claudia sat up and hung up.

"What's wrong?" Ben asked.

"Alot. Mainly my mom throwing things so what else is new." Claudia searched for her shoes, but didn't find anything until Ben pointed under the bed, where they were pushed under by them minutes ago.

"I'll drive you. Just let me actually put on a shirt." Ben teased.

"Go!" She playfully shoved him, grabbing a random shirt from his closet and throwing it in his face.

"You're lucky I like you!" He yelled at her as she walked out of the room.

"I would hope so!"

An: besties sorry i can't do smut i just hfkajfhsk yeah <3

happy jennifer updates twice in a day day!

alright bye gonna watch twilight to make lucy proud

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