chapter fifteen.

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"I'm telling you, she had the sweetest voice I've ever heard. Technically I did hear it before we met again, which I don't think she remembers. I did, but I didn't want to freak her out and think I remember every single detail."

"Dude, you recited Shakespeare to me with emotions and a dramatic voice once. I don't think she'll be freaked out by you remembering you met her before."

Ben frowned at his phone. He was currently on a FaceTime call in his LA apartment with an old friend of his, Lucy. Her real name was actually Luciana, but she preferred Lucy.

"I thought you loved it. You told me you did."

Lucy laughed at how serious Ben sounded. "I did. It helped me fall asleep faster. Okay, but seriously, you started out nice and talked about love and whatnot, but it ended in death and loneliness."


"Good luck getting girls with that."
Ben then remembered Claudia would appreciate his Shakespeare talk. She was an English teacher after all. "This Claudia girl sounds like your type. Book lover and nerdy too. Marry her already." Lucy joked.

"Sure. I'll see you at the wedding. Bring wine and brownies." Ben said. "I met her twice and I want to see her again. You should of seen her, Lucy, she had beautiful eyes."

"So what you're saying is that you would want to stare at her forever?"

"Creepy, but okay. Is that what you got from what I said?" He asked.

Lucy nodded. "Pretty much."

"Just you wait. When you find your person, you'll be saying these things too. 'Oh, my man is the most handsomest man on earth!'" Ben tried to mimic her voice, which sounded horrible.

"No, I won't. Why would I fall in love with someone my mom thinks I have to make food for and clean after him? Honestly, Ben, you don't make sense." Lucy rolled her eyes.

Lucy grew up with her mom, dad and three older brothers. She was always told by her mom that if she didn't obey her husband, he would leave her. That's what every girl in her family was told at a young age, but Lucy didn't listen. She didn't want to spend the rest of her life making sure to clean up after her husband or bring him another plate of food.

At every family reunion, she would always get asked the same question:

"Where's your boyfriend?"

She would often respond with slightly mean comments that would get her in trouble with her mom, but she was a grown woman. She could have a boyfriend whenever she wanted.

Sometimes she would bring Ben to her family restaurant, but she stopped when her aunt assumed the ring on her finger was an engagement ring and once she saw Ben, a rumor of them getting married spread around her family. Ben was nervous since every single family member came up to him and hugged him, welcoming him to the family.

Lucy felt awkward. She immediately denied the rumor of her getting married, making everyone disappointed.

"What if Claudia has a friend she can introduce you to?" Ben questioned.

"If she's friends with Andrew Garfield then let's go on double dates. I suggest roller skating first."

An: andrew garfield fic? i think yes

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