chapter one hundred thirty four

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Claudia loved Halloween. Something she hated was the holiday being on a monday. But she didn't hate it completely, she could celebrate it with her students by giving them candy and letting them watch whatever movie they liked. Everyone voted for Hocus Pocus, a classic halloween movie that Claudia loved.

As she passed around a plastic orange pumpkin filled with candy, a knock at her door interrupted her. She gave the plastic item to a student and walked to the door and opened it.

"Happy Halloween, Love." Ben greeted her with a stuffed teddy bear wearing a witch's hat on its head.

"How did you get in?" Claudia asked.

"Met the principal outside, she really takes school security seriously. Had to show her my ID and everything. I think she even googled me." Ben replied.

"Well things have changed around here, thank god. But I though you were finishing filming with Edward?" Claudia stepped outside then gently closed the door. She trusted her students to not mess around with her stuff or the laptop that was playing the movie.

"I'm done with my scenes as Billy Russo. We're having a wrap party next week so this is me asking if you'd like to be my beautiful date to Edward's wrap party?" Ben held up the teddy bear up to his face. "Please?"

Claudia grabbed the bear from his hands. "Of course, I haven't seen Edward in a while. I miss him."

Edward had changed after the failed wedding. He mostly worked late, at least that's what Layna had told them. She hardly ever saw her own dad anymore. She was usually stuck with his assistant or hung out with Claudia and Janis.

"He'll be more than happy to see you. I know this is your last class of the day so want to go eat after you finish being the best teacher in the world?" Ben suggested.

"Shut up, I already hear that daily from my kids. Want to wait in here? We have half an hour left."

So Ben was introduced to a new group of teenagers. He was met with stares and gasps. Claudia laughed at the reactions and offered him a seat next to hers at her desk. Ben watched the movie while he ate candy as Claudia graded papers.

"I definitely wish my classes were like this." Ben whispered to Claudia.

"I try." She smiled.

Half an hour passed and the bell signaling the end of the day had rung. The student closest to the light switch turned on the lights as Claudia got up from her seat and walked to her laptop to pause the movie.

"Tomorrow we will start our book, make sure you bring your copy, but if your little forgetful selves comes in with no book I have extras. Have a safe and fun Halloween, make good choices and I'll see your lovely faces tomorrow!" Claudia said as she wrote down the time she paused on movie on her white board.

"Bye Miss Donovan!"

"Happy Halloween!"

Ben watched as the students left Claudia's classroom with smiles on their faces. Claudia was definitely the best at her job, it was easy to tell. Ben got up from the chair and walked around the room as Claudia started to pack up her laptop and piles of paperwork.

"I've been thinking . . ." Ben started off.

"According to Lucy that's never good, but I'll allow it just this once." Claudia chuckled, grabbing her bag from her desk drawer.

"Remember our talk about what we're going to name our child?" Ben asked. Ever since that day he couldn't stop thinking about possible names he would give to his daughter or son. Lucy would probably tease him if she knew that he had a list of baby names in his notes app.

"Yeah, why?"

"I just think Ophelia or Diana is a cute name. Maybe Finn or Charlie for a boy." Ben said lowly as if he was embarrassed to admit that he was eager to name his child.

Claudia walked over to him. "You're cute and these are all cute names. I think Ophelia is beautiful. I just have to ask . . . are we thinking middle name or no middle name at all? I'm a no middle name person myself so I'll leave that to you," She placed a kiss on his cheek. "Come on, I'm starving."

"Fuck," Ben forgot middle names were even a thing. He walked with Claudia out the classroom and as he waited for her to lock the room, he thought about more names that went well with Ophelia. "Whatever Lucy says, we are bot naming our daughter after her. Don't believe anything she says that'll make you feel bad for her and then you'll want to name our daughter after her."

"I don't know . . Ophelia Luciana will grow on me. Maybe Ophelia Lucille like Lucille Ball, she's one of my mom's favorites. " Claudia said jokingly.

"I will guard that birth certificate with my life."

"Calm down, soldier, we still have time to think about names. Let's enjoy our non parent life right now."

Sure . . . Non parent life.

An: just thinking about how if claudia had tiktok she would make those type of video where she makes lunch for her kids and cuts the sandwiches with heart cutter things and write a little note for them . . . crying in the club tonight <3

anyways random thought but when i watched stranger things 4 for the first time and running up that hill came on i was thinking shit I've heard this before idk where so i go to spotify search up the song and notice that it's already saved to my playlist but since I have like 5738483848 songs saved ofc i didn't listen to it daily while my songs were in shuffle play but then i got on youtube today and for some unknown reason i decided to watch old wwe matches and i remembered where i heard running up that hill for the first time ever. . . . IT WAS USED TO PROMOTE THE UNDERTAKER VS SHAWN MICHAELS AT WRESTLEMANIA

so yeah that's the story of how i found out about kate bush's song but seven year old didn't care about old songs back then 😭 also it wasn't kate singing it was placebo so i didn't know kate bush until high school 🏃🏽‍♀️💨 don't judge me i didn't listen to 70s, 80s, or 90s until late middle school early high school high school I HAD A ONE DIRECTION PHASE SHUT UP

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