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Muted light from the side table lamps made the living room very cozy for movie watching. The lingering smell of microwave popcorn hung in the air and further added to the setting. Thursday nights were movie date night – mostly television-movie date night these days, at home on the couch, just the way they liked it.

Finn broke away from his girlfriend's kiss and reached around her for the cell phone that he'd tossed onto the coffee table.

They had been watching a movie together on the couch when Kelsey had started nibbling on his neck. Of course, normally in this situation he would let his calls go to voice mail – Kelsey nibbling on his neck did things to him; but he was waiting for a call from his cousin, Dale, whose wife was expecting their first child any day now.

Dale was the worrier, on Finn's mother's side of the family, and he'd been calling Finn daily for the past two weeks needing reassurances from him.

Keeping one hand high on Kelsey's thigh he cleared his throat and answered his phone without looking at the display. "Yeah?"

"Finn?", came the quiet voice on the other end.

Finn immediately sat up and gave his attention to the caller. He gave a light squeeze to Kelsey's thigh before removing his hand and standing up. "Sam? Are you okay? What's going on?"

He could tell immediately from the tone of the caller's voice that there was a serious problem. He'd known Samantha and her family all of his life and considered them his family too. He and Samantha's older brother, Mac, were the same age and also happened to be best friends, so Samantha became his younger sister by default. It's how it had always been.

Despite making the move to Jamesville ten years ago for university, Finn hadn't yet decided at that time what his permanent plans would be once he had finished. He did have some family already here, like Dale, but he'd been keeping his options open. But, when his university placement ended at a local engineering firm and they offered him a full time position after his graduation he didn't think twice about accepting their offer and making Jamesville his permanent home. It was a perfect fit for him.

He loved his job and loved the town but both brought him a good four hour drive away from his family home and he did find himself occasionally homesick so was thrilled, more than he wanted to admit, when Sam decided to attend University here as well several years ago. She was now starting her sixth and final year of nursing, and they made a habit to meet up regularly for coffee, dinner or just to hang out and watch TV together.

Samantha spoke softly "I'm sorry to bother you so late, Finn, but I have a small problem and need a ride if you're able".

"Of course, I'm able. Where are you and what the hell happened?" By this point Kelsey was also alert and watching Finn with concerned eyes.

"I'd rather tell you when you get here okay?" she said quietly. "I'm at Quincy's on Third"

"I know it." He replied. "I'll be there in about ten minutes. I'm just going to drop Kelsey off on my way".

"Oh no!" Sam said now even more distressed. "I didn't mean to ruin your plans. I'll call someone else, don't worry about it". Finn growled into the phone. "I'll be there in ten, sit tight" and hung up before she could protest any further.

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