Chapter 33

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Saturday passed in a blur for Samantha and she and Adam were unable to see each other for more than a couple of minutes in the early afternoon when he swung by the café to see her on his break. He had then sent her a text later to confirm her school and work schedule for the next couple of days and said that he had something he wanted to talk to her about so she wasn't at all surprised when he walked into the café again in the early evening with Jamie.

She was, however, surprised to see that another man had come with them and that, unless she was losing her mind, this was definitely one of Adam's brothers. Despite the fact that the man had his hair styled in a much shorter cut than Adam's, and that he was an inch or two shorter and a bit more slender the two could have passed for twins. Blinking up at them all she noticed the other man watching her.

"Hello" she said offering a shy smile and turned her gaze to Adam questioningly. Not taking his eyes from her he nodded her toward the opening in the counter and she once again met him there. As soon as she reached him he collared her neck with both of his hands, running his thumbs along her jaw.

"Hi" he murmured before bending down and kissing her softly. Pulling back he grabbed her hand and led her over to the guys.

Jamie reached out to give her a quick hug which made Adam raise his eyebrows. Grinning, Jamie stepped back a bit. "Hi Sam" catching the twinkle in his eyes she couldn't help but smile and gave a light laugh. "Hi Jamie" the two of them grinning at each other before Adam pulled her away and tucked her to his side with his arm now firmly around her waist. Turning to the other man Samantha gave a nervous smile which brought out one of her dimples.

"Patrick, this is Samantha. Samantha, this is my brother, Patrick" Samantha watched Patrick who was staring unblinkingly at her. She shifted under Adam's arm.

When they entered the café, Patrick followed behind Adam, anxious to see how his brother interacted with Samantha. When Adam had called him yesterday and explained the problem, Patrick was more than happy to help out. He could tell how helpless Adam was feeling about not being able to catch the guy harassing his girlfriend and really, it didn't matter one way or another to Patrick. He needed a place to stay and she needed someone to stay with her.

They would arrange with her that Patrick would pick her up at work and take her to classes. She would probably spend most of her time when they were at her place together, on the telephone or studying anyway. Adam said that she was a student.

Feeling himself already starting to smile at the thought of Adam finally falling for someone he stopped short when Adam approached the woman who was working behind the counter. She was beautiful. She had a perfect body, which was obvious even in the simple jeans and t-shirt that she wore. Her rich brown hair was pulled back into a braid and little wisps had come out and framed her face around her ears. Patrick watched her smile at his brother and felt an immediate kick in his stomach. He wanted that. He wanted someone to look at him the way that Samantha was looking at Adam.

And then the two of them turned to where he and Jamie were standing and Patrick was rendered speechless. Her eyes were amazing and it felt to Patrick, as though she could see into his very soul.

She gave Patrick a shy, nervous glance before stepping forward and giving Jamie a natural, welcoming hug and then she turned back to look at Patrick again.

"What the hell?" muttered Adam before he reached out and gave his brother a small shove. "Knock it off, asshole, you're staring at her".

Pulling himself up, Patrick blinked rapidly before snarling at Adam. Then he fixed a cheeky grin to his face and looked at Samantha.

"Hello, gorgeous" he said in exactly the same way that Adam did and she tried to stifle a laugh when he pulled her quickly into a hug, shoving Adam away with one arm while he did.

Samantha gave him a tight hug in return before muttering under her breath, "Troublemaker", she chided and felt him laugh when she untangled herself from his hold. Once again Adam reached out to grab her hand and pull her to his side.

Glaring at his brother before looking down at Samantha, he absently ran his hand down her braid. Patrick and Jamie, observing this, gave each other knowing glances. "Can you spare a few minutes? We need to talk to you"

"Sure" she said and looked over at Rhoda, her partner again for the day who caught her eye and waved her off.

Rhoda followed the group to a table in the corner where Patrick had pulled Samantha in to sit beside him, much to Adam's displeasure. Rhoda rubbed her hand motherly on Samantha's shoulder.

"Would any of you like anything?" she asked the guys.

All three men eagerly ordered coffee, Jamie and Adam proclaiming that the caffeine they have to suffer through on their shifts was a joke.

The four of them made small talk until Rhoda returned with the coffees and a single red rose.

"Sam, someone just brought this in for you. Asked me to..." she stepped back surprised when both Adam and Jamie jumped up from the table. Jamie headed toward the door quickly.

"Who brought it in?" Adam asked a stunned Rhoda.

"That girl over there" she pointed to a group of teenage girls at the end of the counter.

"The one with the pink hair" Adam sent a look to Patrick before he hurried over to the girls. When Samantha made a motion to get up and join him Patrick stopped her by holding her hand. "Just wait here with me, Samantha. Please" he added, rubbing his thumb over her hand to comfort her.

Rhoda gave Samantha another pat on the shoulder and said "I'll be right at the counter. We can talk in a minute".

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