Chapter 89

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Arriving back at the apartment they had just pulled up to the curb when Mr. Connor rushed out to meet them. He handed Adam a set of keys and immediately wrapped his arms around Samantha.

"New door. New locks" he said. "I've made you three copies there. One for each of you and a backup, although June and I also have a set should we need".

Samantha ran her hand tenderly over his whiskered cheek and followed up with a kiss.

"Thank you" she said. "We'll come visit tomorrow, okay? Maybe in the morning before I leave for class?"

At the top of the stairs they noted that the replacement door was very thick and sturdy and had a small window near the top which had already been curtained on the inside, allowing Adam and Sam to look out but not allowing a visitor to look in.

Expecting to still find the evidence of the police activity that they had left behind them earlier they were pleasantly surprised to find that the kitchen and living room were now spotless. Samantha had cleaned the kitchen earlier herself, the floors and cabinets had been wiped clean but now a fresh, cheerful arrangement of flowers sat in the middle of the table and the floors had been scrubbed to a shine. The living room area rug had also been replaced with a fresh new one, the old one having been ruined with Moore's blood when he fell.

Adam ran his hand down Samantha's hair while they stood together and surveyed the room. "We have wonderful friends" Samantha said turning to Adam to give him a hug. He ran his hands through her hair and gripped the back of her head to bring her mouth up to his for a kiss before scooping her into his arms and settling her onto his lap on the couch.

She smiled tenderly at him while she ran her fingers through his hair.

"You know that I love you right, Samantha?" Adam asked her. His voice low and serious and his eyes darkening while they searched hers. He realized that he had already confessed this to several people but not yet Samantha and it seemed very important to him, now more than ever, that he say the words to her.

Samantha felt the breath leave her body.

Feeling her stiffen Adam wondered if he had somehow gotten it all wrong and she didn't feel the same way about him.

Disappointment settled but he pushed it down. "You don't have to say it back. I just wanted you to know" he ran his thumb across her bottom lip waiting for her to speak.

What he didn't expect was her sudden joyous laugh before she threw her arms around his neck and attached her mouth to his. Reluctantly breaking away from her mouth Adam forced himself to hold her back.


Smiling widely, both dimples on display she danced her fingers over his face.

"Oh, I love you too. So much" Emotion catching in her throat she stared into his eyes. He felt the air start to fill his lungs again. "You are my heartbeat, Adam"

Kissing her tenderly Adam stood, with Samantha still in his arms, and made his way with her to their bedroom.

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