Chapter 79

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Samantha had her head turned to look out of the passenger side window but Adam could tell that her eyes kept closing so he stayed quiet and didn't speak. If she was able to get even a little bit of rest during the 45 minute drive to his parents' house then he wasn't about to stop her. Glancing at her again he was stunned by the force of love that he felt for her. Her physical proximity alone had the ability to just fill him up and calm him but it was her soul, her essence, that fed all of his needs. Never before in his life had he loved someone so completely and unconditionally and he once again felt beside himself at the thought that he might have lost her. That some bastard had physically harmed her and would have done worse had Jamie not arrived when he had.

He owed Jamie everything.

Adam spent the remainder of the drive analyzing his feelings. There was no question in his mind that he could not live a day without Samantha in his life. He wanted her to be his in every way imaginable. He wanted to marry her and start a family with her but he knew that she was ambitious, having not even really had a chance to begin her career yet. He could wait a while for kids, he decided, but he would be damned if he would wait much longer for her to be his wife. That settled in his mind he finally began to notice the landscape changing around him, recognizing the scenery that had been so familiar to him in his youth and cheered at the anticipation that he would be seeing his family soon.

When Adam pulled off of the road into the end of the laneway, he stopped the truck and reached over to rouse Samantha, wanting to give her a chance to wake before they continued the rest of the way up to the house and the people awaiting them.

Running the back of his hand along her jaw-line he was angered all over again by the pain that had been inflicted on her. Her cheekbone was still reddened where she had been hit, the skin split slightly and held together with a butterfly bandage. Bruising had started to develop from her cheek up to her temple, where she had needed five stitches from the gash when she fell, and down toward her jaw. Gently he spoke to her. "Sam, honey. We're here"

Stirring, Samantha sat up slowly in the seat and looked around out the truck windows, reaching for Adam's hand automatically without thought, a smile brightening her features while she took it all in before turning to him. "It's lovely" she said honestly, squeezing his fingers. Taking another look at the expansive pastures dotted with buttercups and cattle, the lush rolling hills and finally at the house spread out majestically on the horizon. Bits and pieces having been added on over the years as the McCabe family grew. "I love to think about you growing up here" she turned her twinkling eyes to him. "I can picture young Adam, the rascal, running wild across these fields, climbing trees and getting into mischief".

Enjoying her reaction, Adam playfully pulled a lock of her hair. "Can you now? Sassy girl" he leaned over to give her a quick but firm kiss on the lips. "Ready to meet the tribe?" he asked.

Bouncing in her seat, Samantha grinned flashing her dimples. "Absolutely".

First out of the door once they parked was Adam's mom, Ivy, who had obviously been watching for them to arrive and he barely had time to step out and round the front of the truck before she launched herself into his arms. Squeezing him tightly she ruffled his hair. "Oh how I've missed you" she said before stepping back and turning to Samantha who was standing nervously beside the truck.

"Samantha. I'm so happy you're here" automatically reaching out to give her a hug, she rubbed her hands up and down Samantha's back before holding her at arm's length. "Are you okay, sweetheart? Was the drive too uncomfortable?" Sorrow entered her eyes as she gazed over Samantha's bruised face before cupping her cheek gently.

"I'm okay".

Samantha gave a small smile and shyly handed Ivy the loaf of fresh herb bread that she had baked earlier that day. Despite the poor sleep that they had both had, when Adam and Samantha woke up together early this morning, in the bed that they now shared, they turned to each other and made love sweetly. Adam giving into his need to touch Samantha and remind himself that she was okay and that Moore had not taken her from him.

They had gotten out of bed afterward and dressed quietly so as not to wake Samantha's parents who were in the guest room. Mac was planning to come back this morning on his way home.

Once in the kitchen, Adam had set to work putting the coffee on and Samantha had returned to baking the bread that she had started the day before. Adam couldn't believe how 'normal' she was acting after everything that she had gone through. When he questioned her about it she set her shoulders and straightened her spine in the way that was now familiar to him, and turned to grip his hands in hers.

"Adam, what happened here" she whispered and waved vaguely around the room "was awful" he squeezed her hands when she swallowed "but that was yesterday" she must have noticed the surprised look on his face because she reached her hands up to caress it before running her fingers through his hair and wrapping her arms around his neck to pull him closer to her.

"But you and I have today and tomorrow and many more days after that. This is our home. I'm okay, mostly" she paused "I'll admit that I was scared, for myself but also for you"

"Me?" he asked gently.

Nodding, Samantha replied "You just moved in. I didn't want our memories here to be only of Nathan Moore and the darkness that he brought in. He was a sick man and I hope that he gets the help that he needs. He's deeply troubled."  

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