Chapter 46

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Once they were showered, changed and, again sexually satisfied from their activities in the shower, they sat together at Sam's little kitchen table each with a cup of coffee.

"We have a bit more news about Moore" Adam started and Samantha sat up to pay attention.

"We were finally able to track down his family back where he came from. He has a sister that he is close to and she was able to fill in some of the blanks about him".

"Apparently after his fiancée's suicide Moore went into a depression, refusing to see people and eventually losing his job. After three weeks of not showing up, his employer had no choice but to let him go. At some point over the following weeks his sister managed to get him talking and they started going to a therapist together. She said that he was doing good and was even starting to go to the sessions on his own for a couple of months before he surprised her by announcing that he was moving. He told her that he'd gotten a new job through a friend and thought that it was time he started fresh. Then he packed up everything, putting his stuff in storage and moved here. He got a job working at a factory here, through a friend of a friend. Not the type of work that he was used to but something to get him settled.

He's been here about two months and has been staying with a friend although when we went by there last night the friend said that Moore had been keeping crazy hours and was acting "off" lately.

Some of our patrol guys are going around to his workplace today to chat with him but at least we finally know where he is working and maybe we can pin him down a bit more. The sister says that he is a great guy, always did well in school, always had a ton of friends and that he and his girlfriend had been together for six years before they got engaged."

Samantha frowned and her heart went out to this man whom she also feared. Shivering a bit when Adam reached over to pull her onto his lap. She stretched her arms around him and squeezed tightly, desperate for his warmth.

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