Chapter 71

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Throughout the rest of their evening the waiter returned twice more with 'gifts' from other diners. The second time he brought refills of their cocktails courtesy of a table of six men, apparently just coming in from the golf course and already wearing tell-tale alcohol blushes on their cheeks and the third time being a gift of chocolate lava cake courtesy of a distinguished looking elderly man who sat alone at the bar. Each time Emma Kate asked the waiter to relay the message that, unfortunately, they couldn't accept and each time the waiter returned smirking with a handful of phone numbers including that from the elderly man whom Emma Kate had winked at.

They were just finishing their coffee when Adam and Jamie walked in to witness yet another 'gift' being delivered by the waiter, this time it was after-dinner liqueurs courtesy of a table of university aged men, barely 21, who were waving at them from across the restaurant. By this point the waiter was laughing out loud. "You two are great for my tips tonight. Any time you want to come back let me know and I will make sure that you get a good table" This time he also slipped Emma Kate his own phone number and left quietly after receiving a glare from both Adam and Jamie.

When Adam went to stand beside Samantha, running his hand down her hair, Jamie raised his eyebrows at all of the dishes on the table "Busy night, ladies?" Emma Kate smiled at him and stood up grabbing her coat and purse. "We haven't met yet. I'm Emma Kate" she offered her hand and Jamie grinned at her, offering his own. "Jamie"

"I'm so sorry, you two." Samantha said quickly. "I forgot that you haven't met yet. We'll have you both over soon for a barbecue"

Reluctantly removing his hand from Emma Kate's, Jamie once again nodded to the table. "What's the story here?"

"Typical dinner out with Samantha" Emma Kate quipped. "We always receive freebies" seeing Adam tense, she quickly added, "She doesn't do anything, Adam, I swear, there's no reason to be jealous. We even always reject the stuff but..." she waved a hand toward the table where the extra food and drink covered every surface "it still keeps coming" She shrugged. "It's been happening all of our lives"

Jamie looked considering at Emma Kate. "I'm pretty sure that it's a combination of the two of you" Emma Kate blushed and looked at her shoes. "Um, thank you. We should probably get going".

Emma Kate was not what Jamie had expected.

Having seen and been around Samantha quite a bit over the past couple of weeks he was certain that her best friend couldn't possibly be as beautiful. Samantha was the most beautiful woman he had ever met, although he would think twice, or three times, before admitting that to Adam. His buddy could be a tad jealous still over his girl. But Emma Kate was beautiful too.

Not drop-dead like Samantha but extremely pretty.

Curly, honey blond hair, gorgeous warm, brown eyes and a curvy little body ticked all of the boxes on Jamie's check list and, because he had gotten to know Samantha, he was going to make the assumption that Emma Kate was also smart, witty and loyal or he doubted that she and Samantha would have stayed best friends for all of these years.

They made their way to the door, Adam walking beside Samantha with his hand around her waist. She leaned into him "You're not really jealous are you? I swear it was just Emma Kate and I".

He sighed and looked into her eyes, bending his head to plant a quick kiss on her mouth. "I know, honey. It's going to take some getting used to for me that's all. I kind of just want to punch every man in here".

He laughed at her appalled reaction. "I'm just kidding – kind of. I can control myself as long as I'm the one you go home with".

She reached up to run her hands through his hair and pull his mouth to hers "Always".

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