Chapter 2

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Kelsey and Finn had been dating now for just over four years, having met at a coffee shop near the university campus when they literally bumped into each other and both ended up wearing coffee – Columbian for him, a vanilla latte for her.

It was love at first sight for Finn.

Any other person finding themselves wearing hot coffee might have been a bit miffed or, at the very least, annoyed. Not Kelsey.

When they collided, they had both instinctively reached out to catch and steady the other. Given their height differences though, Kelsey's hands landed on Finn's hips while his went to her shoulders lining them up into a very close embrace. Kelsey had spontaneously laughed, a gorgeous tinkling sound, and said "Lucky me!" giving him a playful squeeze before releasing him, amusement still in her eyes.

Finn had just recently decided to take a break from dating around that time but found himself instantly drawn to her. Her shoulder length, dark blonde hair hung straight and choppy bangs framed her face, drawing attention to her pale green eyes and long eyelashes. A sprinkling of freckles across the bridge of her nose added to her appeal and the faint hint of her light, floral perfume wafted pleasingly around her.

The two had immediately struck up a conversation and sat down together in an empty booth, both enjoying new coffees and sporting wet clothes. They talked about everything, and yet also nothing, for almost an hour before Kelsey finally had to leave for an appointment. Finn had made damn certain to get her telephone number before she left and had already texted her to set up a date by the time she'd made her way out of the door.

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