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After her afternoon class was cancelled and realizing that she still had a few hours ahead of her before Adam would arrive for dinner, Samantha decided that it would be a good opportunity to take advantage of not having to work, a rarity for her on a weekday, and also take a small break from studying. She had picked up a good mystery last week when she stopped into the book shop at the university where Emma Kate worked and hadn't yet had a chance to even crack the cover. Something unheard of for a bookworm like her. So, a dive into the book and soaking up some sunshine in the backyard sounded like a very good plan for her sudden free time.

She gathered her book, hat and sunscreen and changed into a bikini before calling Mrs. Connor.

"Hi Mrs. Connor"

"Hello, my sweetheart" came the response from the other end.

Smiling, "Are you going to be home this afternoon?" asked Samantha. "I promised Mac that I wouldn't leave the apartment by myself except for classes and work unless I had a buddy"

Mrs. Connor laughed. "Do you need to go somewhere?" she asked.

"Actually, I just wanted to see if you were home because I was hoping to hang out in the backyard with a new book and do some sun-worshipping. I do have a bathing suit on though, so I hope that won't make you uncomfortable. I want to add a bit of colour to my winter glow" she added with a smile in her voice.

Chuckling Mrs. Connor said "I'll be here but Jim will be sorry that he missed seeing a pretty young girl in a bathing suit. He's gone to an antique car show for the day with one of his old friends. I'll leave you to it but I'll open up my patio doors so I can hear you if you need me. I'm working on wallpaper in the kitchen so you can have the yard to yourself"

"Wonderful! I'll be right out".

Samantha threw everything in her tote and, locking the door behind her, went down the steps and around to the backyard where she poked her head into the house to say hello to Mrs. Connor before snagging a lounge chair and setting it up in a back corner of the yard where she would get the maximum sun exposure. In minutes she had settled herself in and was opening up her book.  

A Rose in ShadowWhere stories live. Discover now