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Adam's cell phone woke them both early on Friday morning.

Used to having to be alert at a moment's notice, Adam handled the disturbance far better than Samantha who merely grumbled and buried her face deeper into Adam's neck where she was snuggled up against him. Smiling to himself he reached over her to the nightstand where he had plugged his phone in to charge overnight.

After they had made love, he and Samantha had reluctantly gotten out of bed. Adam ran out to his truck to grab his duffle with his change of clothes and toiletries, and together they did a check of the apartment, turning out the lights, making sure doors and windows were locked and sitting together for a few minutes in the small kitchen with a glass of water before getting back into bed and making love for a second time and finally settling in to sleep, wrapped around each other.

"Yeah?" he mumbled into his phone.

"Did I wake you princess?" came the snarky voice of his brother, Patrick, over the line.

Smiling, he grunted into the phone "What the fuck do you want?" Samantha murmured something against his chest and adjusted her long leg over him. The feeling of her bare skin on his made him twitch and it was now becoming very important to him to find out what his brother wanted and get rid of him as fast as possible.

"You got someone with you, Bro? I thought I heard a sexy voice in the background there"

"As a matter of fact I do. My girlfriend, so tell me what you want and get lost"

Laughing, Patrick said "Interesting. I can't wait to meet her and show her that she could have herself a different McCabe brother – younger, better looking"

"Ass" Adam shot back, grinning.

"So, anyway, I'm coming to your neck of the woods tomorrow for a week or so and was hoping to crash with you. We're going to be doing some restocking in King Lake and clearing the trail system. Probably be there from Saturday to the following Wednesday or Thursday if that's ok"

"Yeah, that's cool"

Samantha stirred against him and he felt her clever little fingers teasingly running up and down his spine. He ran his nose down her neck and placed a small kiss behind her ear. Clearing his voice he said "You still have your key? I'm on nights from now until then so you will have the place to yourself mostly. I'll try to catch up with you on my supper break a few times if I can manage"

Samantha had awakened to feel Adam's warmth surrounding her and his chest rumbling comfortingly while he spoke to someone on the phone. Running her fingers down his back, testing, she felt his muscles clench and smiled into his chest before returning her attentions back to his body. She ran her hands down from his back and shoulders to his hips and back again, wrapping her leg more firmly over his hip until she felt his erection against her. She peeked up at him from under her lashes when he narrowed his gaze at her and gave him a sly grin before lowering her head to kiss and lick his chest.

"I'll call you back" Adam snapped just catching his brother's laughter before he hung up and tossed his phone in the direction of the table.

"Good morning, you saucy girl" he murmured against her lips before flipping her onto her back beneath him and focusing his mouth on her neck while working his way down her body with his hands. Chuckling, Sam ran her fingers through his hair and closed her eyes, groaning with pleasure at the feel of his mouth on her.

Patrick McCabe looked at the phone in his hand with a wide grin after his brother abruptly hung up on him. Of all of the McCabe brothers Adam was by far the most serious but despite this he never got too involved in his relationships with women and Patrick couldn't recall another time that Adam had slept over with one of his 'girlfriends' or allowed them to sleep over at his place. He kept his relationships very 'surface' as their mother would say. Nothing too personal, just mutual respect and fun.

Of course, he was always a gentleman and monogamous with the women he had dated but he had never once gotten involved beyond social dating. No tampons would be left in his bathroom, thank-you-very-much, he had once said to Patrick and, come to think of it, Patrick was positive that he had actually never before called anyone his 'girlfriend'.

So given that, at six o'clock on a weekday morning, there was definitely a woman waking up next to his brother, and that woman was someone who Adam liked enough to call a girlfriend, had Patrick very curious. It would appear that finally someone had gotten Adam's attention and under his skin.

Patrick couldn't wait to meet her.

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