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After finally settling down in her room in the early hours, Samantha kept imagining that she was hearing things outside of her apartment and had barely gotten any rest before finally giving up and heading out to the kitchen for a cup of coffee just as the sun was starting to rise.

Mac was already up and had the coffee brewing while Mal dozed in the spare room.

"I'm glad one of us could sleep" Sam whispered to Mac, as she poured a big mug for herself.

"Mal and I took turns" Mac said "he just went to bed about an hour ago".

"Oh. I feel awful. You guys came for a fun weekend and I'm ruining it" Sam felt a lump in her throat and tears sting her eyes. The feeling of guilt almost overwhelming her.

"Don't you dare blame yourself" Mac said as he took her by the shoulders and gathered her in his arms "if you need to cry honey, just do it. No one will judge you".

Pulling herself together she murmured against her brother's chest "Maybe later" and felt him smile against her hair. Mac had always given the best hugs and Samantha wanted to stay there in his arms where she knew that she was safe. It was one of those constants in her life that she could depend on and brought her peace. She knew, and had always known, that Mackenzie would do anything for her and she felt the same about him.

When she pulled away she wiped her fingers under her eyes and sat down wearily at the table.

"I just want him to go away. I don't know what he wants with me. I don't get it." She looked up imploringly at her brother who seemed to be about to say something before he stopped.

Understanding his reaction and unspoken words in the way of close siblings she said "I've had guys come on to me before" she started and Mac snorted.

"Yeah, no shit. I've witnessed it about twenty times myself in the last twelve hours" he said sarcastically. "But do go on" he leaned back smirking at her.

"And, as I was saying" she began again primly, "I've always been able to deflect any interest that I didn't want." At Mac's humorless grunt, she rolled her eyes. "You know that I'm a touchy person, I love giving hugs and getting them but I don't ever touch people I'm just meeting that way unless I can gauge the situation first, you know, a friend of a friend or someone's elderly relative. Definitely not a single man who is asking me to dance or for my phone number. I don't want there to be any confusion or misinterpretation of interest on my part by anybody that I might dance with or meet at a club. I'm there for fun, to dance, not for a quick hook-up" Her eyes flashed.

Mac lifted his mug in agreement "I know this, Sam. I'm not saying that you ever would mislead anybody. I watched you last night. You were polite and kind but not flirty. If anything I admire your restraint. I'm sure that some of the guys who proposition you can get belligerent once alcohol is involved".

Sighing she relaxed a bit. "I'm not stupid. When Moore first approached me on Thursday night he seemed harmless enough although a bit pushy. He's a pretty big guy so I was a little intimidated but I was dancing with someone else at the time so just declined. Then he did it again, numerous times, always seeming to be trying to get my attention from whoever I was with so then, when he finally did approach me when I wasn't dancing with someone else, I made an excuse that I was taking a break and said no. He was trying way too hard. When he came up to me again at the bar at the end of the evening though, I wasn't scared. I was annoyed and it takes a lot to annoy me." Her eyes flashed.

"I was annoyed that he was being so persistent but more I was annoyed that he was making me feel that I had to be rude to him to get my point across. I don't like being rude to people and in fact; I go out of my way to avoid confrontations. I guess that's why I wasn't prepared when he grabbed me. It didn't even cross my mind that I should to be afraid of him just that he was being a pest. I totally underestimated him and now I'm pissed off again that I missed the signs."

Stretching his legs out around hers under the table, much like Finn had done just the day before, Mac picked up his cup.

"I get it. You've always been a good judge of character and knew instinctively who to stay away from and who to get close to but, and I repeat, none of this is your fault and if you think that I'm mad or disappointed in you because this happened or you "ruined my weekend'' he said making air quotes with his fingers "then you are an idiot. I love you more than my own breath, Sam, you have to know that".

Tears once again threatened to fall and Samantha got up and wrapped her arms tightly around Mac's neck. "I love you too and I am so damn lucky to have you". Leaning back she kissed his cheek and looked at him thoughtfully.

"Can I make you some eggs?"

Grinning, he once again picked up his cup "yup".

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