Epilogue - Four Years Later

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The family had gathered for Thanksgiving at Adam and Samantha's home, the one that they bought from Mr. and Mrs. Connor. All of the men and parents currently spread out in lawn chairs in the backyard where the gardens were just starting to pale and where Adam and Samantha had been spending some time lately tending to the flowers and plants to prepare them for winter.

Samantha and all of her sister-in-laws, by God there was a lot of them, working together in a kind of choreographed dance in the kitchen to get the food ready for the masses. Years of practice now under their belts. Kelsey was standing at the open back door, rubbing her hand absent-mindedly over Baby Sullivan who would only be cooking inside of her for another couple of weeks when she called Samantha over.

"Come check out Cara"

Samantha joined Kelsey, putting her hand to Kelsey's lower back and rubbing in gentle circles. She remembered being this far along in her last trimester and how much it had helped her when Adam rubbed her back in this way. The two friends watched as two and a half year old Cara toddled around the backyard amongst the group of people sitting there.

All of the 'grandparents' were sitting around the patio table enjoying their drinks and each other's company in the more comfortable padded chairs. Keith and Ivy, Sharon and Pete, the Sarge and Elizabeth and Mr. and Mrs. Connor - who had made their annual visit for Thanksgiving weekend, were all there. Every one of them always conscious of where the baby was wandering.

The rest of the yard was filled with Samantha's burly 'brothers' and Cara was weaving her way in amongst them all. They were all big men, tall and muscular but the little sprite had no fear of any of them and, truth be told, it was them who were a bit afraid of her.

"What is she doing?" Sam asked.

"Just watch her" Kelsey grinned.

Cara wandered over to her daddy where Adam sat just off of the patio talking to Samantha's father – probably about fishing. She touched him gently on the knee, she was always touching Adam and Samantha, as if to reassure herself that they were there. He smiled lovingly down at her and ran his hand through her tumble of dark curls. Her eyes, a melted gold like her mom's crinkled at the corners and she flashed her dimples. "Daddy" she said softly to him and he kissed the top of her head.

She turned and made her way back into the group of men who were spread out and sprawled out in lawn chairs around the yard. She stopped and placed a finger solemnly to her lips and pointed at each of them individually with her other hand, not saying a word then she shook her head and straightened her shoulders.

"Uncas" she said softly.

None of them heard her.

"Uncas" she said a bit louder and Greg finally noticed her standing there.

"Quiet guys" he shushed the rest.

"What is it, honey? Come see Uncle Greg"

Cara shook her head but smiled at Greg. He smiled back.

"I please count Uncas?"

Jamie caught on first. "You want to count your uncles, honey?"

She nodded emphatically and clutched her hands in front of her chest. She was wearing a sweet ruffled yellow sundress, a crisp white sweater and white mary-janes.

"Line up, men" Andrew ordered and the guys all pulled their lawn chairs along to sit in a row in front of their niece.

Cara clapped her hands together and stepped in front of Jamie who was first in line.

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