Chapter 36

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Patrick turned out to be the perfect house guest.

He met Samantha in the staff parking that night at 10pm on the dot and, after seeing Rhoda to her car, they made their way to Sam's apartment where he delighted her with the gift of a potted violet.

"Flowers should be given for pleasure" he said seriously while he looked down at her open, happy face. "This will replace that nasty old rose that you were given today" Feeling teary, Samantha stretched up onto her toes to kiss Patrick's cheek. "You are so sweet. Thank you, Patrick, very much"

Samantha took Patrick on the quick tour around her apartment and pointed out where she kept the extra towels and bedding. "I usually do a load of laundry twice a week so I'll let you know when I'm going to do one and you are welcome to throw some stuff in too." They walked back out to the kitchen where Samantha turned on the kettle and gave her little potted violet some water, putting it carefully onto the window sill.

"Do you have any food allergies?" She asked.

"Are you kidding?" he grinned at her. "Adam told you that we grew up on a farm right? There is nothing that we won't eat" she laughed and the musical sound of it warmed his heart.

"Perfect" she said as she made her tea and offered him a cup. "I'll be working late so usually take my dinner with me, making it up the night before or in the morning so I can leave yours in the freezer for you and then if you're home in time to eat it will be easy to just warm it up but if you get tied up at work it'll keep until the next day."

Patrick smiled at her. "You don't have to feed me, Samantha". She looked hurt and lowered her eyes before looking back at him. "Please let me at least do this, Patrick. I appreciate what you're doing. I know that you don't know me yet and are doing this as a favour for Adam but I really do appreciate it. It's a comfort having you here." He stepped over to give her a hug and kiss the top of her head, enjoying the scent of her hair.

They settled, facing each other, onto opposite ends of the couch, each with a cup of tea, while Patrick chatted away telling her about his day and the re-stocking project at King Lake. Samantha could tell the passion that he had for his job and she quickly engaged him further, wanting to know more about the conservation efforts he and his team were involved in. Before they both realized it was after midnight and the ringing of Samantha's cell phone interrupted their conversation.

Glancing at the caller ID, Patrick smiled before passing her the phone from the coffee table where she had put it when they got in.

"I'm off to bed" he said, getting up from the couch to place a sweet kiss on the top of her head "Tell the big guy that I said 'hi' "

"Night, Patrick" she said as she answered the call.

"You guys still up?" Adam asked and she could hear Jamie mutter in the background.

"We were just talking about Patrick's work schedule tomorrow" she answered as she got up with her phone and began checking the locks and windows, not realizing that, of course, Patrick had already done this as soon as they got in.

As she wandered through the rooms, turning out lights as she went, she asked Adam about his work day.

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