Chapter 12

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When I opened my eyes again, I noticed that I was laying on the shoulder of Zeldris. Almost immediately, my head went fuzzy. Suddenly, all recollection of him and Meliodas dissapeared. I looked around, incredibly confused. "It looks like you're finally awake. You were out for a while,"

When I found the source of the voice, I saw none other than Gloxinia. I immediately sat up. Without even realizing the pain, I let my wings out and flew to him, tackling him in a hug. "Gloxi!" I smiled. I looked up at his eyes and noticed that they were an unusual color. "Don't forget me, little goddess," I looked up to see Drole. "Hey!"

I smiled brightly and flew up to his shoulder. "You're here too! Oh! All those people took so tiny from up here!" When I flew back down, I studied Gloxinia's eyes again. When I looked up at Drole, his eyes were the same.

"Were your eyes always dark like that?" I asked. His eyes widened for a brief second before he laughed nervously. "Zeldris did mention that the Goat Sin, Gowther had done something to her memories. I wasn't expecting it to be this bad," he chuckled.

"Zeldris?" I mumbled. "Gowther? Are these new friends of yours? Can I meet them?!" I exclaimed. Suddenly Gloxinia looked at my wings and set me down. "What on Liones did you do to your wings? They're all bloodied,"

I glanced back at my wings and my eye twitched. "Huh?! When did that happen?!" My eye twitched. Loud booming footsteps clad in armor were coming closer to us. "I didn't mean to hurt them that much. Just great, Zeldris is gonna kill me, but you were messing with my battle," Galand came over with his arms crossed.

"I will kill you if you don't shut up," the black haired boy from before suddenly stood up. When I noticed the mark on his forehead, my eyes immediately lit up. I flew over to him and took his hands in mine. "You're a demon, aren't you?! I've never met a demon! I finally get to mean one! Oo, oo, oh! You need to tell me all about your race!"

"You never change, do you? When I first met you, you did the same exact thing," Zeldris chuckled softly. I tilted my head to the side. "Huh? When I first met you? Have I met you before or something? I think I would've remembered a face as handsome as yours," I muttered the last sentence.

Gloxinia flew over to us and put his hand on my shoulder. "Y/N, as much as I hate to say this, your memories of the past 4000 years were taken away from you," he explained. My eyes widened. "What?! But why- do you know who?" I asked softly.

"It was a member of the Seven Deadly Sins, the Goat Sin of Lust, Gowther. He was formerly one of our comrades, but he betrayed us," Galand smirked. "Those Seven Deadly Sins are trying to prevent us from our goal. We failed to protect you and your memories were stolen away," Zeldris added.

"And what is your goal?" I asked. "To return the magic back to Britannia, of course," a woman with darkness surronding her smirked creepily. "Those Seven Deadly Sins are trying to stop us from taking over Britannia, but if we take over, then we can help the world regain it's lost magic power," Melascula explained.

"Not to mention that they took you away and tried to get you to help them, and when we got you back, they took away your memories as punishment. Besides, their leader is one named Meliodas. He betrayed the Demon King and killed members of his own race for no reason. Not to mention that he's the eldest son of the Demon king," Melascula continued to twist the truth. "None of his comrades even know that he's plotting to steal all the worlds magic. That goddess, Elizabeth is helping them now. He tricked her into helping him,"

"No way! Thats awful! Who could kill their own kind?" I proclaimed. "They're trying to keep our world devoid of magic and kill the only people that know how to help it, but they erased my memories because I didn't help them? And one of them is a traitor to his own kind and none of his comrades know his true intentions," I repeated all of their information. "He even tricked Elizabeth..."

"That's awful!" Suddenly, I noticed that my left arm was covered in black markings. "What is this?!" I tried to rub it off, but it was to no avail. "It won't come off," Zeldris sighed softly before taking my tiny hands in his.

"It's a curse. Meliodas and that Goddess, Elizabeth, influenced by Meliodas, told that Grand Deity that you tried to help the demon race in a war from 3000 years ago. For that, the Grand Deities cursed you. If they hadn't told them, you would've been spared from this curse," he explained.

"But what does it do? Do you know?" I asked, looking around at the people around me. For some reason, they all seemed oddly sad. "Every time Meliodas or Elizabeth dies, those demon markings spread. Every time they do, you lose your sanity and grace. You will start to become a goddess tainted by darkness," Zeldris explained.

My eyes widened. "It sounds like, in order to help save Britannia, we need to stop this Meliodas," I stated. They all looked at me with wide eyes. Zeldris held out his hand for me to take with pleading eyes. "Please, help us, Y/N. We need your help to stop Meliodas and we'll be sure to get your memories back and stop your curse," the demon boy offered.

With a single nod, I took his hand. "What kind of goddess would I be if I didn't help my friends out? Count me in!"


I feel bad for semi-tricking Y/N, but when you think about it, that seems to be like the demon race's point of view on things. At least, from my perspective

Also!! This is random, but Gelda is more of a sister figure to Zeldris and  Y/N for clarification. Besides, I see Gelda as the ultimate shipper

Reincarnated Only for You || Zeldris x ReaderOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora