Chapter 41

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My vision went black and I felt my body go limp.

When I could see again, I found myself in a mountain like terrain with mist covering every inch.

"Please Meliodas....can you tell Y/N something for me?" I heard Zeldris's voice in the distance. "No! Tell her yourself!" Meliodas shook his head.

I ran through the trees and pushed them out of my face to reveal the small clearing Meliodas and Zeldris stood in.

"He's right! I want to hear it straight from you!" I smiled brightly. Meliodas turned around to face me, his eyes wide. "You really got here?!" Meliodas exclaimed in shock, but I was distracted.

My attention was on Zeldris- well- the multiple versions of him-

My eyes sparkled. "Am I in heaven?" I exclaimed, sparkles floating around me, tears of joy falling from my eyes. "There's so many Zeldris's!" I squealed.


"It's really you!"


I was brought back from my day dream when all of them began to call out my name. "No need to worry. I can find Zel for sure!" I exclaimed. I allowed my wings to take flight.

They all continued to call out my name, but it didn't distract me. In fact, it didn't take me long to find him.

I stopped in front of one Zeldris with a smile. "It's you, isn't it?" I chuckled, poking his nose gently.

"What about you? Are you the real one? How can you prove you're the real one?!" Zeldris called out.

I sighed and turned my back to him. "Meliodas, let's leave Zel here, he's being a pain! I'll come get him in like- an hour or so-" I complained. "W-wait that's not what I meant!!" He flustered out his words.

"I-I just couldn't believe your here....that you came...for me-" Zel muttered to himself. I giggled and turned around. "Of course I came, Zel. Why wouldn’t I?" I exclaimed.

"That's awesome Y/N! But- how did you know that was the real one?" Meliodas asked in astonishment.

I giggled and smiled at Zeldris. "Your eyes. There's no mistaking them. Yours shined the brightest. All of the others were dull- but yours- they sparkle like no other-" I blushed as I explained my reasoning.

"B-but that's not all!!" I waved my hands around in front of my face. "You would be able to tell if it was Elizabeth! I-I can't really explain it-" I laughed nervously, hiding my face in my hands.

Gears seemed to move in his head. "Oh yeah!" He exclaimed as he connected it to him and Elizabeth. I turned to face Zeldris and took a deep breath. "Time to get you out-"

Suddenly, I heard the webs begin to snap. "No! Zeldris is my vessel!" All of the other Zeldris's turned dark grey with blood red eyes.

"And Zeldris is the man I love, he's mine. I think my reasoning trumps yours and therefore I'll be taking him back. Deal with it," I stuck my tongue out at the dobblegangers.

"Y/N; look out!" Zeldris called out to me, but when I turned around it was too late. All of the Zeldris's almost jumped onto me, but I knew that I couldn't harm them.

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