Chapter 16

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"I'm assuming that they got away," I pushed myself from the ground to stand. "They sure did, but I'm not letting them get away!" Galand laughed. "That man broke one of our hearts. And for that he'll pay!" I grit my teeth.

"He did that? I'll kill him!" I yelled. "Hey! How about this?!" Galand called out. He stood beside a giant boulder. I smirked. "That'll work perfectly!" I flew up and caught sight of Jericho carrying the two on her back. "They're about twenty yards to the north!" I shouted.

"You got it!" Galand adjusted his stance with his spear to how you would hold a golf club. He swung and sent the rock flying into the air. That rock failed to hit them. Galand tried again, but accidentally sent them off the edge of a cliff.

"Awww, now we have to go and find their dead bodies," I whined. "Great job Galand," I muttered. The three of us made our way to the small ravine where the three were presumed to have fallen.

"We've got you!" Galand crushed a rock to reveal a small cave filled with tables and drinks of all sorts. "Huh? They're not here?" Melascula frowned. I walked into the tavern and looked behind the front desk.

"Are you alright? You're shaking-" I pat the mans head. He shrieked and sat up immediately. I gasped and pointed at him while jumping up and down like a child. "Look! He has a mustache! I've only heard of them! Sariel said that they were a new fashion trend for the humans or something," I shrugged.

"What are these?" Galand picked up one of the bottles and held it close to his eyes. "T-that's booze-" the mustache man 👨👨👨👨 shook. Melascula opened it and took a sip. "Wow!" She shook with pleasure.

"Booze has come so far in 3000 years! Here you are tiny goddess, this stuf' is even better than wha' we had earlier!" Galand slurred his words. Not much longer; we were all pretty sober.

My head felt pretty foggy. It must have been from the alcohol. Suddenly, I felt as if I was on a cloud. I clung to the man in a hug. "No killing him," I mumbled. "I like him. He has a mustache! We can't kill him!" I exclaimed.

"Well- I guess we could spare him when we wipe out humanity," Melascula sighed. "What?!" Escanor shrieked. "Thank you, Y/N," he whispered softly in my ear, small tears falling from his eyes. I looked up at him confused.

"Yup! The demon race is takin' over," Galand smiled. ""But- the demon race was sealed away over 3000 years ago!" Escanor shook. "Well, lucky you, you're looking at two members of the elite force, the Ten Commandments plus a goddess," Galand mentioned.

"Heyyyy," I pouted, whining. "And as for that punk who ruined our honor and took our hearts, he'll be the first to go!" Galand laughed mananiclly. "Followed by that fairy and human girl who rudely interrupted my meal," Melascula finished.

"Mustache man, you should know that you're a terrible liar," I deadpanned; removing my grip from him. "Now give it up bar keep!" Galand shouted angrily. "We know those trouble makers are hiding on the other side of that door!"

"*high pitched Escanor yelp because it reminded me of Luigi-*" Escanor was shocked. "However, they all seem to be near the brink of death, but after all that delicious booze, I'm in a very good mood!" Galand sang.

"So then! It's Galand Game Time!" I smiled brightly. "Yay!" I giggled. "Sorry mustache, try not to dieee!' I sang innocently. Melascula gave Galand a high five and nodded. "Nice choice!"

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