Chapter 23

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Jasmine's POV

'Um, what just happened?' Lupus asks,
'Get away, you're ruining the moment.' I tell him sternly.
'Dude, what just happened?'
'But, Dude. What just happened?'
'I don't know, Lupus, you tell me.' I say getting frustrated.
'I. I, uh, I just can't even.' I laugh out loud causing Emily to sit up slightly to get off my moving stomach.
'You did not.'
'I did.' Emily glares at me so I block him out. She lies back down and I run my fingers through her hair and let Lupus take control of all my senses. We sit in a comfortable silence when I hear a small noise which I would ignore if Lupus wasn't in control, I sniff the air and my nose fails to detect anything out of the ordinary. Emily noticing my sudden discomfort sits up and smells the air, I do it again, something isn't right, all the scents are perfect and it's making me feel uneasy, usually there might be a rabbit or a fox or some kind of extra scents. I stand and run to look at through the trees, something is defiantly off, I call out, asking if anyone is there, a shuffle in the trees tells me we aren't alone, a purple flash gives away the things position, I shift and chase after it, the calls from behind me getting more and more faint and unimportant. I stop in the familiarity of the football field, a noise from behind me causes me to spin around, realising the purple is a set of eyes I growl. They remind me of a story I read from in the pack library, pretty much a rough translation is a pack of Elites, all kinds of powerful were creatures and shifters formed in a group, they go around killing and stealing, looking for more like them and kill the ones who decline the offer to join them, their Alpha the most powerful shifter with deep hypnotising purple eyes.
"Be a good dogie and sit down." A deep voice says, I try to stay standing, but my body fails to listen. "Good boy, or girl should I say." I jump up causing the thing to roar. I almost whimper, but I stand my ground and growl back. It chuckles making me feel sick to my stomach as the laugh rumbles and echoes back at me, making me stumble and cry out.
"Good, now sit." I drop, still crying, the eyes come out of the showdowns that the trees provided, revealing a hideous, yet quite horrifying beast. The head of a wolf, the hind legs of a tiger, the hands of a man with long claws coming out the finger tips and gigantic wings coming out of it's shoulders, the thing is covered head to toe in black fur, with purple stripes.
"Now, now. Don't be scared." It says, flashing me a smile filled with sharp teeth, layered like a shark. I close my eyes in hoping it would disappear, once I open them a woman stands in the place of the beast, with midnight black hair and electric purple eyes, she smiles at me to reveal perfect white teeth.
"Now Luna, you need not be afraid, I only want you and your family to join me, if you decline than you should be afraid." I shrink down as she approaches me, "You are special my dear, along with your mate and your child, Isabelle, she knows how special all of you are, you know sirens are quite powerful, she has seen everything, past, present, future. But you and your precious mate are so much more than ordinary wolves, no, you are dark, she is light, the sun and the moon, Yin and Yang. You will be the end of everything, yet the beginning of something else." The ground shakes slightly and I hear my name being called. Still frozen in place with her purple eyes staring deep into mine she continues getting closer and closer, "We must part ways, ask your child, tell her 'Nutrientibus eam, sus pectora.' and she will tell you all you need to know." With that she disappears and is replaced by Emily looking over me worriedly. I let out a scream and sit up quickly, feeling dizzy I stand and stumble my way to the trees, sniffing and listening.
"Jas, are you okay?" I ignore my mate and follow Isabelle's scent, I find her in our room.
"You. Nutrientibus eam, sus pectora. Now." I say, the girl starts to run but I scoop her up in my arms and hold her tight. I look in the mirror at my face, there's bags under my eyes and my mascara has run down my face, I drop Isabelle when I notice something horrific, my eyes, they aren't brown or green, they're bright purple.


Ow, the clichéness hurts, it was all a dream, but it wasn't, da fuck. Also I am aware of what my Latin says so suck it. I think it's still going to be on hold, or I might change it to slow updates, I don't know.
Hope you guys still liked it, even with the deathly amount of clichéness.

- Anonymous

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