Chapter 26

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Jasmine's POV

Vera closes the door behind herself, I stand quickly and walk over to Emily, she growls at me and I growl back at her,

"Stop being so stubborn and let me help you!" I say causing her to drop her eyes to the ground. I run my hand down her back ignoring the growls she gives me in protest, I find the metal ring around her ribs and reach underneath her and unlock the device, it drops to the floor and the large black wolf is replaced with Emily, she stands in front of me awkwardly,

"Are you going to give me some clothes? Or are you going to make me stand here naked all day?" She asks, I look up to her face and give her my full attention before nodding and looking around the room for something for her to wear, I open the top draw in the desk to find a blanket, I pass it to her and sit on the floor near the door, Emily tightens her grip on the blanket and joins me hesitantly.

"Why are we here, Jas?" She asks breaking the silence in the room, knowing Vera or one of her pack members will be outside listening I lie,

"Because it's a great opportunity for us. And our pack." Emily rolls her eyes at me and goes to stand, I grab her arm and pull her back down causing her to land in my lap, I try not to react because I know she's angry with me, but I feel all of her emotions, even the ones that she probably really doesn't want me to feel.

"You're gross." She says, playfully hitting my arm and trying to get off me, I wrap my arms around her and hold onto her tighter.

"What? It's really your fault, you were thinking it." I say, she laughs,

"So? You thought it louder." She as while laughing, her laughter settles and she looks into my eyes and starts to lean in,

"Did you miss me?" I ask teasingly,

"Shut up." She says as she grabs the back of my neck and pulls me into her, as soon as our lips touch she starts kissing me desperately like it was our last moment together, I instantly kiss her back with as much force and need. Emily sits up and puts her legs on both sides of my body, she pulls on the front of my sweater to get me closer to her before pulling it off me and kissing down my neck...
(I'm not going to write anything that happens here, but I'm sure you guys can figure out what happened.)... I put the boxer shorts that Vera gave me earlier back on and walk to the mirror on the other side of the room to fix myself up. I adjust my hair and look back at Emily who is still lying on the floor barely covered by the blanket. I continue to look back over my body, from the bite mark on my shoulder to the scratches on my side.

"What's that?" Emily asks from the floor, as she stands the blanket falls revealing a intricate pattern from her hipbone and around the back of her body.

"What's that?" I ask her the same question as I begin to search my own body, I turn to see my back in the mirror to have the same kind if design as my mate, beginning at the back of my neck, running in between my shoulder blades and down my spine to my tail bone, Emily traces her hand down it and it begins to glow slightly making my skin heat up. I take a closer look at the pattern on Emily's body, getting the same results as her, the almost tribal design emits a small amount of light as it warms up under my touch, I stand face to face with her as my wolf begins to talk to me,

'Was that always there? I don't think I remember that.' He says causing me to roll my eyes and Emily to giggle a bit.

'I think it has something more to do with the mating that took place a few minutes ago.' Lily states, Emily's cheeks brighten and I cover up a laugh by coughing. I walk over and pick up the blanket, I put on the sweatpants off the floor and wrap the blanket around myself, I hand Emily the hoodie I was wearing earlier she slides it on over her body covering the newly formed markings. I take a deep breath before opening the door and walking out into the hall, I close my eyes and let all my other senses heighten, the world seems really different, but maybe it's just me. I follow the scent of my pack mates starting with Isabelle, I follow her scent until it blends in with other familiar scents like Ben, Michael, Abby, Jake, Nate and all of the others. Emily follows me down the hall filled with the scents, she holds my hand tightly and the other sits on the small of my back making it warm again. I open the double doors at the end of the hall to find a cafeteria type place, a bunch of familiar faces and smells mixed in with a lot of unfamiliar ones. The noise dies down and people look over to us, a lot of our pack mates stand and begin to run or walk over to us, crushing the both of us in a group hug, much against Emily's wishes.

"I'm so glad you're okay." Ben says picking up Emily and swinging her around once the crowd thins out. I give hugs out to a few of my friends before picking up Isabelle in my arms, Emily hugs her as well once I put her down, thinking about it, a week ago that would never happen, but so much has changed in the past few months that I can't believe. I walk down the isle of tables to the place where Ben, Jake and the other guys are sitting, I take a seat next to Nate and ruffle his hair,

"You smell funny." He says just above a whisper, a guy sitting next to him nearly spits his food across the table and Ben sends me a death glare,

"You've got to be kidding." He says angrily, I smirk down at the table and watch his reaction out of the corner of my eye, his face turns to one of disgust, "I can't believe you, you could have at least denied it. You've ruined my innocence!" He yells, I smile at him and look further down the table at Emily who looks up from her food and smiles at me,

"What can I say? You're sister's kind of hot." I tease, he drops his head to the table and does a pretty convincing sob,

"Priceless, man, absolutely priceless." The guy next to Nate says,

"I know he doesn't appreciate my humor." I say, Ben looks up from the table, "Even if it's literal." I add, his head drops and we crack up laughing,

"I'm Cassidy, I was cage buddies with your mate. And little Natey here." He says messing up the boys hair,

"Are you thinking of becoming the new addition to the family?" I ask, he nods and grabs Nate in a head lock,

"I already am, thanks to this one." He says, once he finally let's go of Nate he stand and slips the sweater over his head leaving him in a tank, he hands it to me which I happily accept, I turn around and face the wall, dropping the blanket, I pull the already warm jumper over my head.

"Nice tats." Cassidy comments, I feel a bunch of eyes on my back before I can even cover them,

"What's that about?" Ben asks, I turn and take a seat again,

"Thought you didn't want hear about it." I say, he rolls his eyes and looks away over to his sister, he waves his hand signalling her to come over.

"Yes?" She asks looking at me instead of Ben, Ben clicks his fingers in front of her face a few times to get her attention,

"Hello, Earth to Emily. Yeah, you. My eyes are here, don't be looking at her." Emily raises her eyebrow at him, "Yes, okay. Tell her I don't want to be hearing about your... Well, you know?" He says,

"I'm not sure what you're implying." She says playing innocent,

"Yeah, you do. Are you preggers or something?" He asks, I crack up laughing,

"Ben, I'm not sure what you think we did, but last time I checked I don't have the tools to get her pregnant." I manage to get out without laughing, everyone who heard starts laughing which causes Ben to grumble in his chair, he crosses his arms and slumps down. Emily laughs and walks to me, sitting in my lap,

"Hello my Alpha, nice day was it?" Cassidy asks,

"You have no idea what you're asking, but we have to talk." She says directing her attention at me.

'I've been thinking, we need to go home. We have to get out of here.' She lets me know in her head, I nod, time for a pack meeting, I guess.


Only a few chapters left, I've really enjoyed writing this story, I think I might write a sequel or something, let me know what you guys think.

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