Chapter 14

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Emily's POV

I wake up from another uncomfortable sleep in a old armchair. Fourth night in a row in that stupid chair. I open my eyes and stretch, cracking all my joints, feeling better I stand up and walk to Jasmine's hospital bed to kiss her on the head, same as every other morning, but she's gone.

"What the fuck!?" I yell,

'She's awake!!!! Yes!!!! Go find her!!! She's awake!!!!!!'

'Lily settle down, Jesus Christ.' I say, that pup has got some major issues. Wait! She's awake!!!! Oh my God!!! Yes!! She's awake!!!! I run out of the building, she's got to be around here somewhere.

Jasmine's POV

I wake up from the most uncomfortable sleep I've had in forever and I've slept in some pretty uncomfortable places, sharing a kennel with another dog for example. I jump of the bed landing on my front paws, I walk around the room I was in, no wonder it was terrible, it's a hospital, I've woken in hospitals many times before. I nudge open the door to find the halls completely deserted, God, I hope this doesn't turn into some Walking Dead shit. Please be no zombies, please. I nudge open another door, this time the door goes to outside, good no zombies. I walk into this massive house, like wow. I look around until my eyes land on someone unfamiliar, I smell him, nope don't know him, might as well kill him before he kills me. Wait. Cookies. He's got cookies. I run and jump on him, he looks scared, he should be. I grab the box of cookies in my mouth and get off the guy. Serously, someone must really hate me, I can't get into these without hands. I shift and open the box, I start stuffing my face full of cookies when I notice stranger dude is still there, staring at me, I swallow, staring is usually bad.

"Jas? You're awake?" he asks, I look up to the guy,

'Wait, I know him. What's his name? Oh, it's Ben.'

"Oh, hey Ben." I say,

"Does Em know you're awake?" he asks,

"Emily, yeah. Umm she doesn't know yet, I kind of forgot about everyone and everything for a couple of minutes, I was gonna kill you until I saw you had cookies." I say shoving another cookie in my mouth. Nate climbs down the stairs and gives me a weird look.

"Hey Jas, good to see you're awake, but do you mind putting some clothes on, it's kind of weird seeing you nude." I look down at myself,

'Hmm, I look good for being dead for how ever long that was.' I say,

'I want to agree, but that's weird.' Lupus says,

'It's not weird if I agree, is it?' I look up to the door to see Emily standing there smiling. I smile back at her. She runs towards me and hugs me really tight, she lets go and kisses me.

"I love you." She says, a massive smile fills my face,

"Not even going to say it back." I tease,

"I don't care, you know you love me. And I love you too." I smile again and go to kiss her again when someone clears their throat,

'I'm going to cut whoever interrupted this moment.' Lupus says,

'You and me both, Lupus.' I say, I open my eyes and look around Emily to find a girl standing there with an eyebrow raised and the boys gone,

"Oh, I'm sorry, did I interrupt your PDA moment?" the girl says in a bitchy tone,

'I dislike her already.' My wolf and I say at the same time.

"As a matter of fact you did, so, do you mind?" I reply with the same amount of bitchyness and turn my attention back to Emily. She seems angry and by the blank look on her face she's obviously talking to Lily, I decide against eavesdropping and walk up to bitch face.

"Hi, I'm Jasmine, I've been in a coma for an unknown amount of time and I don't know you or like you. So, what's your name?"

"I'm Riley, and it is so lovely to finally meet you."

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