Chapter 19

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Emily's POV
"What's happening?" I ask,
"He's shifting early." Jas says calmly,
"How do you know it's early?"
"I know him, we met yesterday, he told me that he is meant to shift on the full moon this Tuesday." She says,
'Lola probably doesn't want to see this, but she has to stay, I heard him say she was his mate.' Jas says in the link.
'Grant, we need your help. We're at my tent.' I say into the pack link,
'I'm on my way now, fill me in.' He replies,
'One of the 16 year olds is shifting early, we think he found his mate.' I say,
"It's not unheard of, his mate needs to be here for this though." Grant says as he walks in to the tent.
"She's human." I say, Lola looks at me confused.
"No, I can't be his mate." She says,
"You can't reject him, he'll die in the process of shifting." Grant tells her, "Jas, I need you to hold him still for a minute, Emily take off his clothes, it'll make the shift easier." He instructs us, I pull off his shirt,
"What do I do?" Lola asks,
"Oh, right she's human. I need you to stand near him and talk to him, because you're a human I would recommend you stand a little further away, these things can get a little messy." He tells her, she stands next to Jas and speaks to him softly.
"Emily, I need you to hurry and take all his clothes off, he can't be held still for too long." He tells me, I pull off his jeans and throw them,
"Let go." He says to Jas, she let's go and steps back as he starts thrashing his arms and screaming in pain. I remember this part, it's the most painful thing that has ever happened to me, Lily spoke to me the whole time explaining what was happening, saying it hurts because she has to tear my skin and dislocate and break most of my bones to get out, the first shift always hurts and then it gets easier and you can do it on command. The guy rolls over onto his belly and screams as his spine visibly stretches and shapes into a long back and tail, we hear the gross sounds of his bones popping and with one more roar of pain a black wolf is lying on the ground breathing heavily, it went really quickly, the longest shift I've heard of went on for days. He stands up and walks to Lola. She looks scared, I hear his voice in the link,
'Please tell her I won't hurt her.' I nod and repeat it to Lola, he turns and rubs against her, rubbing his smell all over her. Lola smiles and strokes his dark fur causing him to make a noise similar to a purr.
'Back when I was with my old pack on the new moon all the new shifters went for a run, do you want to come for a run with us?' Jas asks in the link, the wolf snorts and nods.
"His name is Michael by the way." Jas says to me, I smile at her.
"Lola." She says, Lola looks up from Michael, "We're going for a run. When I was younger I would ride on my fathers back, that was before he tried to kill me. Anyway, you're to big to ride on Michael, but if you want to come you can go on my back, it'll be like riding a very fluffy pony." She says,
"What?" Lola says,
"Do you want to ride on my back while we go for a run? Or would you rather stay here? I'll take you home if you come with us, but if you stay you'll have to wait 'till I come back, it's too dark for you to walk home." Jas says,
'Sounds like you really want her to come. What's up?' I ask Jasmine in the link,
'Usually the mates would go with them on the run, but since Lola hasn't accepted or said she wanted to change, she can't keep up.' She says,
'Okay, but if she says yes, you have to carry her, I find it annoying when I carry the little kids, I don't want to carry a full grown person.'
'Deal, I'm bigger than you anyway.' She says,
'You wish.'
'I am.' She argues
'No way.'
'I'll ask Grant to see.'
'Fine, you do that.'
'I will.'
"Grant, do you want to come with us?" I ask,
"Yeah, sure." He says,
"Great, but before you shift can you tell us who's bigger out of me and her." Jas says,
"Okay." He says as he strips off into his underwear, Jas and I do the same. I walk outside with everyone following behind me,
"Do you think I should ask if anyone else wants to come? We could go hunting after." I ask no one in particular.
"Sure, I think Ben will want to come too." Grant says,
'Everyone, we're going for a run if you would like to join us be ready in five minutes.' I say in the pack link, around twelve people reply saying they're on their way, so we wait.
"Lola, do you have your things?" Jas asks, Lola nods and show Jas her bag.
"Okay, Grant who is bigger?" She says before she shifts effortlessly, I do the same and I stand next to her,
"Honestly?" Grant asks, we both nod, "You're both the exact same height." Jas grunts in frustration and I bump her on the side, she growls at me playfully and pushes me back, I jump on top of her and snuggle my snout into the crook of her neck.
"Guys, stop. Violence is not the answer." Lola says obviously not understanding that we're playing,
"It's okay, Lola, they're only playing." Ben says as he walks up to us, he pats my head and I growl at him, he just smiles.
"Hey babe." Riley says as she walks up behind him, Jas grunts underneath me, I give her a stern look and turn back to the crowd that is starting to form,
'Is everyone ready? We are leaving now.' I say in the link, almost everyone shifts in response, I howl at the not so full moon and start running.

Jasmine's POV

After Emily signals the start of the run I nudge Lola with my snout, she still looks unsure, but she climbs on anyway. I get a surge of emotions though my body.
'Everyone. I do not recommend doing this, she is heavier than she looks.' I announce into the pack link,
'What did I say? No complaining.' Emily replies,
'No, you said that you found it annoying, you said nothing about complaining, and I wasn't complaining, I was informing.' I tell her as I start to jog, Lola grips onto my fur tighter and pulls, I growl as a warning and she loosens her grip and quietly mumbles an apology. Following closely behind the rest of the pack, I notice a few wolves I've never seen before, more than a few. One of the larger sized wolves that I don't know nudges another wolf, this starts a fight, this usually happens on runs, but it's normally playful, this fight is far from playful. Lola wraps her arms around my neck as we run past. The smaller wolf is pushed into me and I trip almost falling over.
'Watch it.' He growls at me,
'No, you watch it, human on board.' I growl back, he growls again and goes back to the other guy.
'Is everything alright back there?' Emily asks,
'Fine. Some guy is just being a dick.' I tell her earning another growl from him,
'Don't start a fight, at least not until we've dropped Lola off. Deal?'
'Fine.' I say, as I run towards the front of the pack to catch up to her. I nudge her a little with my nose and we run together for a while. Pulling away from the pack I go to the end of the forest and stop at the edge, I shake Lola until she climbs off my back and shift.
"Can you walk me to my house?" She asks as she hands me the jumper I gave to her earlier, I put it on and nod my head,
"How far is it?"
"Just at the end of the street." She says and we walk in silence until she speaks up,
"What will happen to Michael if I don't want to be his mate?"
"Depends really." I tell her honestly,
"On what?"
"He could be so upset that he kills himself or starts a fight he knows he'll lose, he could be so angry that he could become on of the most successful fighter in the history of were creatures or he could be fine."
"Yeah." She looks at me upset,
"Don't reject him." I tell her,
"Why?" She asks,
"I can feel your emotions, it's a thing that happens when people touch me."
"Really? What am I thinking then?"
"I can't read your thoughts I can only feel emotions." I tell her, she's obviously annoyed at me,
"How long 'til it wears off?"
"Dunno, usually a couple of hours."
"Why don't you want to be his mate? He's a nice guy as far as I can tell."
"It's not that I don't want him for a mate, it's that he won't want me." Lola says, I suddenly get the urge to cry, I fight back the tears, but Lola just lets them go. Unsure of what to do, I wrap my arms around her awkwardly and she instantly hugs me back tightly, I've got to admit, she's got a strong grip for a human.
"I can honestly tell you that it's impossible for a wolf not to want it's mate. No matter how hard the person tries, the wolf always wins. Trust me, I know from experience." Lola slowly let's go and wipes her eyes, I try not to smile at the fact that she turned into a racoon and continue to walk until she stops out the front of her house.
"Thanks, do you think I can come over again tomorrow?"
"Sure." I say and she smiles and walks down the path and into her house. I run back to the trees and shift to see if I can catch up to the others, I speed up once I smell the deer blood so I can hopefully get there before they finish all the food that they've caught.

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