Chapter 2

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'Hey Jasmine, do you smell that?' Lupus asks out of nowhere,
'Umm, no. What is it?'
'It smells like cookies!' he says excitedly,
'Holy shit, really? I fucking love cookies!' I yell, sniffing the air,
'COOKIES!!' We both yell at the same time.
I shift into human form and run into the town, I look at my watch and it says 5:50pm and its getting dark. I look around for the cookies, but I can't find them anywhere,
'I can't see them!' I say panicked
'Look harder! I want cookies.' Lupus says.
I sniff the air and walk towards the smell. I walk into a bakery,
"Hi, how can I help you?" the lady at the counter asks,
"Can I have a dozen cookies please?" I say excitedly,
"Of course, what kind?" she asks, "We've got choc-chip, white chocolate and blue berry."
"Ummm, 6 choc-chip, 4 white chocolate and 2 blue berry please." I smile watching her put them into paper bags,
'COOKIES!' Lupus yells,
'Calm down, I got them!' I say,
"That comes to 25 dollars and twenty cents." the lady says pulling me back to reality,
"Thanks" I say, handing her thirty dollars, "keep the change." I put the cookies in my backpack and walk out of the shop, I look around the town, it's small and cute. There's a hotel at the end of the street. I walk in the door and ring the bell at the desk, a old lady comes out of the office and growls,
"Hey woah, don't be growling at me little missy. It's not my fault I'm a Rouge, it's yours." she gives me a weird look, "I'd like a room for tonight, please?" I ask,
"Sure, room 52, right down the hall." she hands me the keys and I give her two twenty dollar bills and walk away.
'Hurry up, I want COOKIES!' Lupus yells. 46, 48, 50, 52.
Here we are. I put the key in the lock and open the door, the room is pretty small, it has a single bed with a multicolored quilt and a bed side table, a small TV and a door leading to a bathroom with green wallpaper and tiles and a small shower. I empty my bag onto the bed, $128.80, a pack of gum, a pair of headphones and an iPhone 4S, I don't even know why I have it but Siri is my best friend ever...
I sit on the bed and realize I'm still only in a sports bra and shorts, the lady at the bakery probably thinks I'm crazy, I don't really care I'll go shopping in the morning. I switch on the TV and black, white and gray spots swirling around on the screen making me dizzy, I change the channel and the same thing happened and again and again. I switch it of and throw the remote on the ground.
I pick up the bag of cookies and grab a blue berry one,
'Jasmine' Lupus whines,
'Yes Lupus?' I ask,
'Save one for me'
'Well technically you're already eating cookies because I'm eating cookies and you are me.' I say,
'Jasmine' he whines again,
'Fine, just one.' I give in and shift. Three choc-chips and a blue berry cookie later,
'Okay that's enough' I say,
'No not yet'
'Yes. Time for bed.' I say,
'Fine then, you win.' he sighs and pushes the bag off the bed with his snout. We curl up into a ball and drift off to sleep.

. . . . . . . . . .

I stretch out my arms and legs and flip on to my back and make a funny noise because I'm still in wolf form, I jump up and shift. I look in the bath room at the shower, it's all dirty and disgusting, but that's what I look like too, I haven't showered in a week. I turn it on cold and try to wash some of the things down the drain. I get in and the cold water stings a bit, but then it gets more comfortable. I take the bar of soap and unwrap it from the paper. I use it to wash my hair and body. I shift and sit under the water to clean the forest off of my fur. I jump out and shake all of the water off, then shift back to turn off the tap. I grab a towel and dry myself and put the clothes I have back on. I walk out the of the hotel after I return the keys earning another growl from the old lady.
"I love you, too!" I yell.

I walk into one of the shops at the end of the street, it doesn't have a name, but the clothes seem okay. I look at one of the clothes racks and grab a black hoodie, I walk over to a set of shelves and pull a pair of jeans off. I walk to the counter and put them on it. The guy behind the counter looks at me,
"Hi, I'm Ben. Who are you?" he says,
"I'm Jasmine."
"Cool, you kinda smell like a wolf, but I'm not entirely sure?"
"Yeah, I am." I say,
"I'm from the East Black Wood Pack."
"Great, another one, you not gonna kill me are you? I already got a warning from your Alpha."
"No, my sister is a little harsh, we actually don't kill rouges unless they start a problem."
"That's cool, so I am actually allowed to stay?"
"Yeah, I can see you need these clothes so you can have them."
"Thanks." I say, I walk out the door with my new clothes and jog to the forest and put them on.


"So I heard that you met that rouge." my brother says,
"Yeah, I did what was her name, Jamie?"
"Jasmine and I like her. I also told her she could stay."
"You did what?!!" I yell, I turn and look at Ben. He just smiles and shrugs his shoulders at me,
"You are coming with me!"
"Where are we going?" he asks,
"To go and tell her to leave." I say,
"Because when I was out yesterday I smelt a wolf, I followed the smell and it led to her. The smell was male." I say,
"So, that's weird, either she has someone with her or she is a he, which is impossible."
"Well let's wait till after school tomorrow, I just got home and I want to go to bed." He says,
"Fine." He walks upstairs and I go into the kitchen and get a drink,
'I can't believe he did that!' I say,
'I know, but you didn't which is against the rules.'
'But I make the rules, Lil.'
'Let's just go to bed, I'm tired.'
I walk up the stairs and go into my bed room and lie down on my bed and before I even realise I fall asleep.


Another chapter, hope you like it.
- Anonymous-Anonymous

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