Chapter 7

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"Emily, wake up, you can't have another week off school." I hear, I roll over and open my eyes to be greeted by beautiful brown ones, I smile and peck her on the lips. I sit up and pull off the sheets,
'I don't wanna.' I say in the mind link to everyone that's listening.
'You have to.' says Ben,
'You already had last week off.' Jasmine says,
"Fine." I say outloud. I hop off the bed and go into the bathroom and get in the shower, I get out grab a set of underwear and put on the clothes Jas picked out, I'm wearing a pair of skinny leg jeans, a pair of flats and a singlet with the Cheshire Cat of Alice in Wonderland, the original, not Tim Burton. I walk down the stairs and into the kitchen/dining room, Jasmine and Ben are sitting at the table eating LuckyCharms, I sit next to them and steal some of Jasmine's food,
"Can you do my hair?" I ask,
"Depends, can you stay out of my food?" I nod my head and she rolls her eyes, she braids my hair over my shoulder and ties it up with a white ribbon. I kiss her on the head as a thank you and go to get in my car.
"Ben, you can't come in my car." I say,
"Why not?" he replies,
"It's only got two seats, I choose Jas, she's way better than you."
"Whatever, I'll see if I can get a lift with Jake." he says, I open the door for Jasmine, she's wearing a purple and black checked button up shirt, half buttoned with a black singlet, a pair of black skinny legs and a pair of purple converse high tops. We went shopping last Wednesday. I close the door once she's in an get in the drivers seat.


My day so far has consisted of dirty looks from all the girls and being hit on by all the guys. I sit down next to Emily at the table in the cafeteria and kiss her on the cheek. I feel someone tap on my shoulder, I turn around to see a guy with jet black hair and blue eyes starring at me. I raise my eyebrow asking him what,
"Umm, hi, I'm Conner." he says,
"Hi, I'm Jas, can I help you with something?" I ask sick of guys coming up to me, it's lunch now and I think all of the guys at this school have introduced themselves,
"Well, I was wondering if you would like to come to the game Friday and watch me play, then go to the party?" He asks,
"I'm flattered, but around nineteen guys have asked me pretty much the same question, so I'm gonna answer the same, I'm already going to the game, not with you, but with my girlfriend." I say gesturing to Emily, who is very engrossed in a conversation with her third in command Jake.
"I heard that you two are related." he says, I turn to Emily and say,
"Emily, did you hear that? We're related!" I say with sarcasm.
"Oh my god, Lola told me I was screwing my cousin, but I didn't know what she was talking about. Crap, I actually thought this one would work out." She replies, just as sarcastic as me and sighs. I laugh and turn back to Conner,
"Sorry dude, I'm taken and we're not related in any way, I don't have any family." I say, he walks away and I turn back around to see the whole table looking at me.
'Sometimes I hate when other people have super hearing.' I say,
'I know, it's the worst.' Lupus replies,
"What do you mean, 'no family'?" asks Ben.
"I'm rouge, there had to be a reason I didn't just choose to be one." I say,
"What happened?" Emily asks,
"Long story, I'll tell you one day." I say, they go back to what they were doing and I over hear Ben and Em talking in the mind link,
'Don't worry, I'll ask after school.'
'Em, maybe she doesn't want to tell you.' Ben says,
'She'll tell me. If she does have any family I'll track them down.' I make the mistake of butting in to there talk.
'No. If you start looking for them, they will find me quicker than usual and I like it here, I don't wanna leave.'
'Jas, why don't you want your family.'
'I'll tell you, but not through the link.' I say, I stand up and grab her hand, I take her into the girls bathroom, into the stall and lock the door.
"My family don't like different." I say, "They hate me and all my 'loveliness'."
"What do you mean?" she asks,
"My parents thought I was weird the second I was born, they said I smelt funny, then I started developing super crazy shit like I could hear the other classes at school, then I could run really fast, I could smell choc chip cookies from miles away and some boy talked to me in my head and felt what I was feeling. When I was twelve I first shifted and bam! I was being beat by everyone in the pack, I was winning the fight, me against around forty other wolves and then I asked for help off of my parents and they joined in to. They left me in a ditch to die, I was almost dead, but I ran. Every time I stayed somewhere for too long, my brother would find me and try to kill me again, so I run."
"Okay, I won't track down your family." I smile at her, someone opens the bathroom door,
"Hey, Dykes, stop having sex and get out here, there are people that need to use the toilet for things other than to fuck." Lola says, I smile at the fact that she thinks she's being funny. I've known her for about four hours, but I already know she's going to be a pain in my ass. I unlock the door and stick my finger in my mouth and suck on it, Lola gives me a look saying that I'm disgusting and I just smile at her. Emily sends me a smile and walks out.
"So slut, how much did you earn today?" I ask,
"Fuck you." she says,
"I'm sorry, I can't take you up on that offer. One I have a girlfriend and two I just had sex with her, so you know." I say,
"Hahaha, very fucking funny." she says, she walks to the mirror and starts to reapply her whore mask, "Make up is bad for your skin."
"Could you fuck off? Your looking at me and it kind of feels like you're about to rape me."
"It's not rape if you have socks on." I say, she looks at me scared and walks out. I smile at myself proudly and walk out as well.


Hey guys,
I don't know what to write about, you should comment some ideas and stuff, if your lucky I might use them. I hope you like my story and enjoyed the chapter.
Bye guys,

I'm Rogue Because I'm Different (GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now