Final: Part Two

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Emily's POV

Preparation for the fight is complete, although I already know how it ends, I have gathered everyone in the dining hall to tell them.
"Everybody quiet down, please." Upon hearing my voice everyone stops what they're doing and looks up to me. I go to start talking but the words don't come out, Jas takes my hand and clears her throat,
"We have gotten word that Vera and her pack are making their way towards us." She takes a breath as soft murmurs spread across the crowd. "The plan is to stay and fight, if you feel you need to run, by all means, but I have no doubts that they will track people who run." Sadness leaks out of the crowd and it's stench fills up the room.
"I won't lie to you. I don't think we will defeat them." I take over again, "But Jasmine and myself will be on the front line. We are ready to fight for this pack. I can hear them coming, please use this time to do what you think is necessary." Jas squeezes my hand, I watch as the crowd below changes, the sea of skin is replaced by a sea of fur of all colours. I do the same as a sign of respect towards my pack who are all ready to die for us. I lean my head back and howl at the roof. The sound fills the room echoing off all the walls, and one by one the crowd joins in, the howl is different from the excited one before a hunt. This one is filled with anger, hatred, sorrow, determination. I feel all the emotions of my pack, in this moment we are all connected. The link becomes so much stronger than it was before, comments start flooding in,
'I stand with you Alpha.'
'I will stay and fight.'
'For this pack.'
'I stand with you.'
'I will not fall without a fight.'
'I'll stay and fight for you.'
The link is filled with people promising to stay and fight. I instantly become grateful for everyone. I bow down to the crowd bellow, Jas does the same, I watch as everyone does the same, I shift back to my human form.
"You have all earned my respect, I will be eternally grateful for all of you. You are all honourable." I say, I walk to the elevator and head up to my room.
"What about Iris?" Jas asks as she looks at the empty crib,
"There's a secure place behind the building, inside a tree."
"A tree? Seriously?!" She yells,
"Look, I don't know how to do this, okay? I just, I know this will work. We die and she doesn't, that's just how it is." I tell her, she looks at me with a sad smile on her face,
"I know. But a tree? Really?" She asks,
"I used to hide from Jane in it, I'm sure it'll work. It has to." Jas nods her head and smiles,
"You have something on your face, by the way." I scrunch my eyebrows up,
"You let me tell my pack that everyone's going to die with food on my face." I say rubbing at my mouth, God, I am going to kill her,
"No, on your forehead, white fur. If I'm being honest it kind of looks like a-"
"Finish that sentence, I dare you." I cut her off, she smiles at me, I shake my head and walk to the mirror, I shift and stare at my wolf, it's been a while since I've actually looked at myself. My once pure black fur has now got a white patch, shaped like a diamond, on my forehead. Jasmine runs her hand through my thick fur, warming my body, I lean into her and watch her smile in in the mirror,
"I love you." She whispers, I shift and wrap my arms around her neck, I would probably be crying, but I don't think I have any tears left.
"I love you, too."
A crash breaks the silence that had settled around us, some guy stumbles through the door,
"They're here."

Jasmine's POV
He turns around and runs out of the room, I shift and follow after him, I hear Emily close behind me, once we get inside the elevator, the guy presses the button and we head down to the ground floor, I can hear the pack fighting already, but I try not to listen. Instead I look at my reflection, a black mark on my forehead, just like Emily, she pushes my side with her nose, I sigh. The doors open and I run out leaving the both of them behind, pushing through the door I end up outside, all of my pack mates are fighting all kinds of beasts; tigers, humans, shape shifters, wolves, I smell vampire, but there isn't one in sight.
I jump on the nearest opponent and bite down on its flesh, it whimpers then growls as it struggles to break away from me, I let go and aim for its neck, once it stops moving I put it down and head for someone else, a big wolf jumps onto a wolf less than half its size, I jump into its side pushing it off, the small wolf runs off and I'm left fighting this one, it isn't much bigger than me, but it is definitely heavier. It prepares to pounce on me, I jump out of the way and grab at one of its hind legs, just missing with my teeth I use my claws to push up on it, my claws go deep causing it to snaps its head towards me, it grabs a hold of my tail with its teeth and pulls me off and growls at me, ready to jump at me again, but before it can attack Abby and the smaller wolf from before jump at it, bitting at its legs, I nod at her in thanks and head off to find the person responsible for all of this. Running around the side of the building, I hear talking,
"Vera, stop this. It's doing more harm than good. Both of is are loosing people quickly." It's Emily, I can feel the desperation coming off of her,
"Oh child, no fight can be won without loss, and if it is, it was never really a fight to begin with." I walk slowly towards them, keeping my distance in case a fight breaks out between the two, "This is your own fault, you know? You've heard the stories. If you reject me I remove you from this life, it's just how it is." I see Emily's jaw tighten and her fists ball up at her side.
"It would have happened either way, you didn't want my pack. Just me and my mate."
"Yes, and don't forget Isabelle, but you chose your pack over the power you could have had. It was your foolish decision that brought this upon your pack." Vera looks away from Emily and towards me, her purple eyes shining with something I don't like at all. Before I can even react I feel it. The pain in my chest. It's like nothing I've ever felt before. Then my brain catches up with what my eyes saw, Vera changing into her beast and charging at Emily. The beast takes off to the fight around the corner leaving me with the realisation of what just happened, I run at the body on the ground, shifting and landing on my knees, I watch as Emily's chest heaves.
"No, no, no, no. Emily, keep your eyes open. Babe. No. It's gonna be okay. Yeah, you're gonna be fine." Emily smiles at me, a tear falling down her cheek, I try and look for a place to stop the bleeding, but it seems to be coming from everywhere and nowhere at the same time, "Oh God, what do I do? You're going to be fine Emily. Don't worry. It'll be fine." I start to panic,
"Who you tryin' to convince?" She whispers, she reaches up and touches my cheek with a bloody hand, I lean into her touch and take hold of her other hand in mine,
"Tell me what to do? This isn't how it was meant to happen. I was never meant to live without you." I feel the tears streaming down my face, I'm defiantly a mess, but I don't even care, Emily lets out a chuckle,
"Sorry your plans didn't work out." She stops to take a shaky breath, "You're going to be fine." Her eyes start to close and she drops her and to her side, I shake my head,
"Open your eyes, Emily!"
"I'll see you soon." She whispers, the pain fills my chest again, breathing suddenly becomes hard. I can't live without her. I try to stand but my legs give out under me, I shift and poke her with my nose, my wolf screams and howls trying to get out, but he already has control over my actions. He's determined to wake her up, pushing her with our nose, putting pressure on her body, but nothing works, I try fighting for control over my body,
'Shes not waking up, Lupus.' He ignores me, 'Lupus! Stop! She's not waking up.' I say, even in my link my voice is sad,
'No, don't worry, she'll wake up. She's just playing, right?' I don't answer, he slowly starts to give me control back as he breaks down, 'Right Jasmine? She's okay? Jasmine?'
'Come on, Lupus.' Is all I say, I feel my body become overwhelmed with emotion, my wolf throws his head back and howls to the sky, I hear every thing stop for a momet, I run back around the corner to find all eyes on me, I see Ben shift out of his wolf form and fall to his knees sobbing, and I can't do anything but watch as the tiger he was fighting delivers the final blow to him while he cries, I watch everything fall apart. My pack, mourning over the loss of their Alpha, becomes sloppy in their fighting, the reaction times slowing and attacks missing. I try to help, but I can see my pack mates quickly being slaughtered. Anger takes over my emotions as I go through around eight opponents in seconds, making my way the through the sea of enemies to their leader. As I reach her I feel that I'm the only one left. All combat has stopped and I'm being stared down by hundreds of monsters all ready to destroy me. I want to fight, but I can't. I'm the only one of my pack left. Everyone else is dead. Jake, Ben, Abby, Michael, Grant, everyone. Emily. My Emily, she's dead and I'm still here. I feel all energy to fight leave my body as I look around the open field which is filled with the bodies of my friends and my enemies alike. I fall to the ground and laughter fills my ears,
"You are pitiful." Is all I hear as a crushing impact hits me. I'm consumed by darkness but I'm not dead. My heartbeat fills my ears, I find myself relaxing, ready to go, but a hand pulls me from the darkness and into a reality that is filled with pain.


The end. All done.
For this chapter I was aiming for emotional, but emotion isn't really a strong point for me, can you let me know how I did?
There will be an epilogue after this, which might be shit because I'm bad at third person, and an extra part that my friend wrote as a joke when I was having trouble with this chapter.
Thanks for all of your support,

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