Chapter 27

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Jasmine's POV

The escape was easier said than done. We told the whole pack what would be going on, and created a rough idea on what would happen. Nothing has gone accordingly. Not one thing. The plan said I would sneak out and scout the area to find where we are and how to get back home, but its impossible to leave, well I only tried once and I wasn't really a fan of the muzzle I was put in. I decided I would ask to go for a walk.

"Sure." Vera says,

"I'm sorry, what?" I say blinking a few times to makes sure this was real and I heard right,

"Yeah, defiantly. Rory! Our guest wants to go for a walk. Get the collar." She says, the huge man in her doorway nods and walks away, coming back a few seconds later with a metal collar, I eye the thing connected to it, a small black box that emits a quiet buzz,

"It's just a pulse thing, if something bad happens to you it'll show us where you are and we'll be able to go fetch you." Vera states, I uncomfortably agree to putting it on, once I shift the man fastens it around my neck tightly, I snap at him when he pats me after he puts it on, he just chuckles and flashes me his eyes, which I ignore, if he wants a fight, he can have one. At some point in the exchange he shifts into a wolf half my size, I growl at him yet he still stands his ground,
"Rory! Do you have a death wish?" Vera asks from behind us while examining her long nails, the man shifts and walks away with a scowl,
"Come on, little one." She says to me, she walks with me down the stairs and opens the door for me, I go to walk away when she picks me up by the scruff of my neck like a mother would do with a pup, "You have an hour, got it?" She asks, she shows me her eyes causing me to break eye contact, she drops me to the ground and slams the door in my face. The property is surrounded by nothing but trees for as far as the eye can see, not even a clearing for a car to get in here, I take a step forward and listen for anything that could signal our location, but I don't hear a single thing other than the sound of my breathing and the buzz of the box on the collar, I sigh and take off left, to keep myself preoccupied I decide to start a conversation.

'Lupus?' I call out knowing I'll get a reply,

'Hey man, how's it going?' He says after a few seconds,

'Where are we?' I ask,

'Trees signal we're in a forest somewhere.' He says,

'Funny. You smell anything? Hear anything?' I feel him take over my senses for a quick minute,

'Nothing. At all.' I growl in annoyance and run while I talk to Lupus for a while, drifting from topic to topic.

'I wish you had kids, you should make a baby.' He says almost making me trip,

'Isabelle is a kid.' I say,

'It's different though, I feel like I should protect her, but I want a kid that I need to protect otherwise I'll die.'

'Oh don't be so dramatic all the time. You don't want a kid, they poop a lot.' I say to him getting worried, usually my wolf feels what I feel and I feel what it feels, does it mean I want kids of my own?

'You're right, I hate poop, at least Isabelle can wipe her own ass.' I laugh at him as best as I can but before I can reply I hit something and drop to my stomach. A loud noise rings in my ears and shoots a pain that feels like it's coming from the inside of my bones outwards. I can immediately tell it's the collar that's causing the problem, that probably means they don't want me here, which means I need to be here. I struggle to my feet and stumble forwards, my vision doubling making me bump into trees everywhere. Suddenly there aren't any trees to bump into and I find myself in the middle of a road, I stumble around for a few more steps before I fall onto my side, my insides feel like I'm being put through a meat grinder over and over and my ears feel like they're about to bleed. My eyelids get heavy as I hear a screech over top of the sound, I feel a hand on my stomach, a woman pats me as someone behind me works to get the collar off of my neck. The buckle comes loose and I'm finally relived of the pain, I still don't have the energy to move, but I can see clearly and hear better, even though there's a slight ring in my ears. I keep myself focused on staying in wolf form and not revealing myself to the people who seem completely normal,

"Should we call someone?" The woman asks,

"Probably, who should we call? It's to big for us to move and there's bound to be more traffic here sooner or later." A mans voice sounds from behind me, I use what little energy I have left to move my head to look at him, he's squatted down beside me, the collar thrown behind him, he has a bottle of water in his hands, I don't know how to say it so I begin to whimper, after a few seconds he eventually understands and takes the cap off, he pours a bit on my mouth and a bit on my head, it wakes me up slightly and I try to move, but my bones feel like they're made of rubber,

'Where are you? Jasmine? Vera is looking for you, she seems angry.' Emily's voice rings in my head,

'I found a way out. I can't get up, there are humans trying to help me, but I need the collar back on.' I tell her,

'What collar?' She asks shocked,

'It's kind of like a shock collar, but I think it's meant to kill you. Or at least make you immobile.'

'If you bring it back with you I'll put it on, but hurry you've been gone for ages.' I begin to get panicked and try to stand,

"Hey, careful now, stay calm." The woman says stroking my stomach,

"Maybe if we can get it to walk, at least to the side of the road, we can wait with it until it's better." The man says. I get an idea, if they can help me walk for a few steps I should be able to heal enough to get back to the house. I attempt to get onto my feet, the man holds me under my stomach, my feet half collapse under my own weigh, but some how, with the help of the couple, I stay upright. I make my way to the collar and grab it in my mouth, before going back in the direction I came, my legs become more stable as get into the cover of the trees, the couple let go and I walk on my own as they watch me closely from behind,

"We should call the animal protection people or something, that shock collar nearly killed the poor little guy."

"He's not little, I'm sure he can take care of himself from here. Come on let's just get into town and report it, the sign back there said it was only a few miles away." The man says, a few miles down the road to the nearest town, now I just have to figure out how to get over two hundred wolves down there without making it suspicious. I make a note in my head of those two, if I ever see them again I'll make sure to thank them for practically saving my life, I break out into a full sprint once I hear the car pull away. I follow my own scent all the way back to the house. I see Emily waiting for me by the door, she takes the collar out of my mouth, but instead of letting her put it back on me I just shift back and hug her.

"What happened to you?" She asks wrapping her arms around my bare torso,

"I just want to sleep." I say, I step back and Emily has to catch me because my legs just collapse.

"Let's get you inside then." She says, I lean on her for support, the last thing I see is Vera coming towards me before everything goes black.


Hey guys,
You're fucking welcome. Another chapter as promised, we're close to the end. The next chapter will be up in a week and it'll be in Emily's POV, so yeah...


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