Final: Part One

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Jasmine's POV

I stretch out my arms and legs, satisfied once I hear my bones crack and pop, I turn on my side and face Emily, she looks so peaceful, time to change that. I go to roll on top of her when something catches my eye, I shake Emily slightly, wary of the object in the corner.
"What?" She asks,
"There's a small wolf in our room, I'm gonna need some help removing it." I tell her, she sits up and rubs her eyes, looking in the corner she sees what I told her about, she climbs out of the bed to look in the crib that magically appeared in the corner. I follow behind her,
"It is cute." I say. The wolf is lying on her stomach, I would be able to hold it in one hand, she has silver fur, not grey, actually silver. I reach down and touch it, the softness of her fur is insane. Suddenly it's fur starts to disappear, the small she wolf is replaced with a sleeping baby girl. A note sits on the mattress next to the baby, I pick it up and read it, it's written in The Old, it reads;
Once the sun and the moon finally met, the Earth was sent into a darkness darker than that of the gates of Hell and a light lighter than that of the gates of Heaven. The people below made them a child of light and dark. Their child would grow...
"Wicked." I say, handing off the note to Emily and looking at the baby, "Can I touch it?" I ask, Emily shrugs,
"I don't see why not." I slowly reach down inside the crib, I gently pick her up around the stomach, her eyes flutter open, the greenest eyes I've ever seen.
"Iris." I whisper, Emily smiles and nods. "Can I keep her?" I ask, Emily laughs,
"I think we can." She says holding up the note with a sad look in her eyes,
"What's wrong?" I ask, my full attention now on her instead of the baby girl in my arms,
"Nothing, just thinking that you're adorable." She says with a smile that even a baby could tell was fake. I try to poke around in her head but she doesn't let me in,
'Jas, just leave it. Okay?' She says as she pushes me out, I sigh and nod, heading out the door and to the elevator. I look down,
"What are we gonna do with you, Iris?" I ask, her eyes scrunch up and she smiles, dimples and all. I smile back, but I'm still caught up on what Emily was thinking about. The door of the elevator opens with a ding and all eyes are on me,
"Oh, Jas, you didn't actually steal a baby, did you?" Grant says dropping the controller on the floor and jumping over the couch to come and inspect the baby in my arms,
"No. It just turned up." I say pulling away from Grant who went to grab her,
"We have to find it's real parents." He says, by now all of the boys are gathered around me,
"Why?" I whine, "Emily said I could keep her. Then she went all weird and kicked me out." I say, Cassidy walks over to me, he smells the air and nods.
"It's her baby somehow. They have the same blood." He says, the guys all look at him,
"You can do that too? That's actually so cool." I walk past them all and sit on the couch,
"Name?" Ben asks,
"Where'd it come from?" Grant asks curiously,
"It just showed up, there was a note, about the legend you told us. After Emily read it, she told me I could keep it and then kicked me out of her head. She said nothing was wrong but I'm not stupid." I say, my mind going back to the note and how weird she was acting.
"I'll be back." Ben says going and climbing inside the elevator, the guys resume with the questions asking me all different things before taking turns holding her, Cassidy takes the longest, he seemed to be hypnotised by her eyes, I smile watching them all fight over who was having her next, I could get used to this.

Emily's POV
I smell Ben at my door before he even comes inside, he comes and sits next to me on the bed.
"What happened?" He asks,
"It was all for nothing."
"What was?" He asks, his voice filled with worry,
"She didn't finish reading, I didn't want to make her upset. She was so excited." I say still not looking at him, I don't blink either, tears are already threatening to fall, I don't want him to see me like this, I don't cry, I'm an Alpha.
"Emily, what did the note say?" I read him the note,
The people below made them a child of light and dark. Their child would grow up without her real parents, not knowing her true potential. Not knowing that she will eventually have the power to be the most powerful being in the universe.

My dearest Emily,
I have watched you grow into the leader I always hoped you would be, I'm so proud of you, and your brother, for what you have made of this pack. But I have seen the end, and I am sorry. The pack you have created had the potential to be the most powerful in all of the world, but that isn't a reality that could happen. The woman you escaped from, she, and her pack, will wipe you out of existence.
Send the man with mixed blood away with the two mated children, the young siren and the young werewolf, they are the only hope your pack has of ever restarting. I'm deeply sorry to say this child, but I will be seeing you far sooner than you think, your father.

Ben nods before wrapping his arms around my shoulders,
"You should tell her. It's the right thing to do." He says, he's right, I nod. I open the chest at the end of my bed and pull out the stuffed wolf my father gave me when I was born. I quickly rip it's head off and write on a piece of paper, I move some of the stuffing around and put it inside, I leave it open for Jas to add to, before heading down stairs. Once I reach the gaming room where Jas is sitting without the baby, and the rest of the guys are sitting playing with the baby,
"Jas, bring her upstairs, we've got to talk." Jasmine nods at me before grabbing Iris off of Cassidy, mixed blood,
"Cassidy, can you take Isabelle and Nate to the grocery store. We need powdered milk, they can pick out some candy or something." I can feel the tears filling my eyes again, Jas and I enter the elevator and I can't hold it back any longer, first, I try to get rid of them to stop blurring my vision, but once one tear falls, I can't stop them. Jas wraps her free hand around my waist and lets me cry into her shoulder, she doesn't say anything until were back down the hallway and in our room, she puts Iris back in the crib we found her in before coming over to me and wiping my cheeks,
"What's wrong? Stop crying, babe. Just tell me, I'll make it better." I grab a hold of her sweater and hug her again. She still smells the same as when I first saw her, or smelt her for that matter. I breathe in her smell as I rub the small of her back, I feel the heat radiate off it through her shirt, "What happened?" She asks, another round of tears spill out of my eyes, and I can't seem to speak the words I need to say.
'Don't forget the cookies, you know how she can be.' I say to Cassidy in the link,
'I don't know, maybe you can tell me in another life.' He knows, I smile into Jas's shoulder, this is the end.
'I will. Don't forget us.'
'Not in a million years.'
"Emily." Jasmine pulls away,
"I'm sorry." I whisper, my voice hoarse from crying, and in that moment I know that she knows, she takes a deep breath and smiles at me, "You aren't sad?" I ask,
"I'm sad, but I know that I'll see you again, even if it is in another life. You are my home and I wouldn't be here if it weren't for you. These past months I've had enough happiness to last me for a million lifetimes, I love you, and I'm okay with dying if I can die happy and loving you." She whispers pulling me I'm for a hug, I feel the marking on my body heat up. Jas pulls away and kisses my forehead, it burns for a moment then goes away, she smiles and goes to the bed, writing down something on a piece of paper, she folds it, kisses it and puts it with mine. Watching her I realise that she's right. I don't mind dying if I can die with her.

One more chapter, I'll put it up in a week, maybe less.
How do you guys feel about a sequel?
Too bad, I've already written eight parts.
Thanks for reading,

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