Chapter 4

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I'm sitting on the ground having the longest starring competition of my life with one of the most confused and angry wolves I have ever seen, her howl went on for a while, ten or fifteen minutes maybe, then she stopped and just started starring at me and I've been sitting like this for almost 2 hours. About an hour ago Ben tried to see what was wrong and almost got ripped to pieces.

'Lupus, you still angry at me?'

'I should be, but you're me so it's my fault too if you get technical.'

'I'm kinda really scared right now.'

'I noticed'

'Should I move?' I ask,

'Probably not.' he says,

'Okay, I'm going to anyway.' I lean back onto my hands and stretch out my legs earning a growl from Emily, I look her dead in the eye and growl back, she stands up and gets into a fighting stance, I just keep looking her in the eye. She relaxes a little bit then walks off slowly, I stand up and follow her. She walks to a lake I've never seen before and sits by the edge of the water, I walk over to her and sit next to her, I suddenly get the feeling that I should wrap my arm around her and my body does it like it has a mind of its own. She flinches at first then leans into it and shifts back into human form. I look at her and see that she's completely naked because she wasn't wearing stretchable clothes, so I pull off the oversized hoodie that her brother gave me yesterday, leaving me in my sports bra, and pass it to her, I look away and she stands up. I turn around and offer my hand to her, she hesitantly takes it which I am surprised by,

'I think I'm warming up to her.'

'Yeah, just wait until she finds out about me, she'll freak out.'

'I think she's already got an idea, you know, since I'm her mate and all.' Emily tugs on my hand and starts walking in the opposite direction to the school,

"Where are we going?" I ask,

"I'm not going back to school in this." she says gesturing to the hoodie that goes to her knees.


'Lil, what are you doing?'

'Just watch.' She walks to the little lake that Ben and I used to swim in, and Jasmine follows. After my 'hissy fit' as Lily called it, I let her take over fully.

'Lil, I can't believe it's her, when I was a kid, Mum used to tell me stories and I couldn't wait till I found my price charming and now my prince is a princess, and one I hate too.'

'Well she is our mate, so suck it up.' She lets me take control again and I feel Jasmine's arm wrap around me, I hate the way it feels then I like it, I shift and lean into her. She shuffles around and I open my eyes to see I'm naked, she passes me the hoodie she was wearing and looks away. I stand up and put it on and it almost goes to my knees, I smell it and I like how it smells like the forest. She stands up and offers me her hand, so I take it.

'You like her, don't deny it.'

'I do not.'

'You can't lie to someone that feels what you feel.' I tug on her hand and pull her in the direction of the pack house.

"Where are we going?" she asks,

"I'm not going to school like this." I say, she smiles and walks along side of me, I'm dreading everyone's reaction because she's a girl and a rouge.

"Welcome to my pack house." I say, she stares at the massive house in front of us, it was built by my father with all the resources from the forest, I walk in the front door, which leads to the meeting hall, where I hold all the pack meetings, it has 4 black leather couches against each wall, 8 in total and a stage on the far wall, with the stairs leading to the top floor on either side of the room closest to the door. I let go of her hand as she looks around filled with wonder, I go up the left stair case and go down the hall and into my room, I have a double bed in the corner, a TV, an Xbox, a massive bookshelf, a bathroom and walk in wardrobe. I walk into my closet and take a pair of denim short shorts and a white singlet with a wolf howling at the moon printed on it. I walk out of my room and race back down the stairs. My mum is standing in front of Jasmine, she spins around to face me,

"You, up there, now." she says, kind of angrily. I walk back up the stairs and wait for her in my dad's old study.


YAY! An update before Friday like I promised. I have another book to update before this one again so sometime next week, maybe. Another short chapter, but I honestly can't tell if they're any good, that's what you guys are for, so thanks for the votes, hope you enjoyed it.


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