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Ben's POV

"We were just finishing off the fight when I felt it, rage, so much of it, that's when I realised that something was wrong, I knew it was Emily, she'd howled then she ran off. It was when I felt her emotions I realised something was up. First it was anger, rage, then I was calm and then really angry again. Somewhere in there was fear, but it wasn't her. I rushed in the direction of her scent and it lead me to the school football field, I saw my sister ripping something to shreds and twelve of my mate's pack members trying to get her off of it, what ever it was. That's when I saw Jas, she looked dead, I honestly thought she was dead. Emily got off the mess and looked up at me, her eyes were filled with an overwhelming amount of sadness. She stumbled towards Jas and nudged her, I knew her wolf had taken over. Emily shifted into human form, she was completely naked, but that didn't seem to bother her, all the South Black Wood members were staring at her, the guys were checking her out, I growled at them and they luckily stopped, if they didn't they would have been looking like the thing on the ground. Emily suddenly brightened up, she picked up Jas, who is way bigger than her, and started running, she ran straight past me and into the woods. I gestured for the others to come and ran after her. She went into the pack hospital and yelled out for the doctor and they took them away that's all I know."

"Are you sure?" the therapy guy asks,

"Yes, can I leave yet?"

"No, has the Alpha recovered fully?"

"I. don't. know. I'm going now." I say and get up, it's been hell since that day and that was four days ago, Emily hasn't spoken to anyone but Nate and Doc. Jake and I have been dealing with everything, it's especially hard with three packs living under one roof. Kyle's dead and there was no heir for the Alpha title, so his pack have decided to stay, forever. And South Black Wood is here to, don't get me wrong, I love my mate, but I don't love the stupid teenagers and her dad breathing down my back every second of every day. Another thing that sucks ass is that every day I 'have' to go to therapy, because my twin is traumatised they all think I am to. These past four days have just been constent shit, to be honest, I'm glad my dad didn't pick me for Alpha, if this is what it's like all the time then I don't want anything to do with it, I just wish Emily will snap out of it soon.


I decided to do a Ben's POV for a chapter because it explains what happened afterwards, the next chapter is a Emily's POV from after she blacked out.

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