11 | fool me twice, shame on me

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the loud piercing rings of my phone break the moment and I flinch back

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...the loud piercing rings of my phone break the moment and I flinch back. Hurriedly, I apologised and ran to answer it. My once perfectly styled hair is now dripping relentlessly from the storm.

“Hello? I answered. “Yes this is her.”

The lady on the other line continued to speak with her common niceties and I looked over at Daniel who brushed his hair off of his face and picked up his blazer. Then, as the lady finished her winded speech, I realized what she said. 

I felt my blood boil as I reiterated that I’ll be there soon enough. My heart stopped just as I dropped the call and I grit my teeth.

“Here, put this on, you’ll get a cold.” Daniel said as he wrapped his blazer over my shoulders. His eyes fixated on me, then he frowned. “Is everything alright?” 

“Do you know the quickest way to Barnes Hospital from here?” I asked, smiling thankfully for his care.

“What happened?” He asked.

“Leo...he...apparently he got into this car accident—nothing fatal—and I’m his emergency contact. So, if you  can just tell me the way—”

“No, no, I’m gonna drive you. I know the fastest way there and I would be ashamed if I don’t at least give you a ride, is that okay?” He offered and at first I was skeptical of it. I already feel as if weight is on his back because of all that he’s done for someone he barely knows. Then, the look of sincerity in his eyes told me that it was more than just him feeling obligated to help—he actually wants to.

“Yeah, sure.” I smiled casually and he returned it before pulling the blazer close for me.

“Wait here, I’ll go get the car.” He says then he runs out into the rain without another thought. 

Soon enough, a black Mercedes rolled up in front of me and the rain had begun to calm down. The petrichor renders me in a drowsy state and with the grey clouds being at rest, I can’t help but just imagine the comforts I’d have at home right now if I didn’t feel so obligated to come at Leo’s expense. 

Daniel comes and opens the door for me before running back to his side. 

“I am so sorry, you’re car’s gonna be a mess—” 

“No, no please. It was my idea to spontaneously dance in the rain. It would have been a mess either way. Just make sure you're warm.” He smiles invitingly as I feel the gradient warmth of the seat creeping up on me. I sighed and he drove away. Just like that, we left the wedding we’re both supposed to be staying for. Another dream left behind.

“Did they tell you how it happened?” He asked.

“No. They just asked me to come and make sure someone was aware of his situation.”

I feel my blood reach fever pitch. This anger has no root, or perhaps it does but not quite the one I’m aware of. In an attempt to aid it, I looked outside and watched while the sun slowly peeked through the grey clouds. With the city roads not particularly busy, there was really nothing to see but the seams of puddles and cracked pavements or the obscured buildings.

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