32 | the reinvention

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Reeling from my thoughts, I didn't get much sleep that night

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Reeling from my thoughts, I didn't get much sleep that night. I was consumed with curious thoughts and doubts about everything. It's not every day you get to see just how easy it is for someone to lie. Usually you'd find it by surprise when they do something absolutely stupid not in a tv show watched by millions of other people. It's like watching your life unfold in a film reel.

Lucky for me, the following morning I had to go up to the new expansion that had been undergoing construction in the past weeks. Somewhere in central London - closer to the Hearst building.

When I arrived, the workers were busy scaling the building. Some of them working on the floors and others working on the entrance. One of the men recognized me and shook my hand before giving me a hard hat. Looking around for a moment I found myself in awe of all this. Being bigger than my current shop, this place boasted three new greenhouses, spiral staircases, three stories and an even bigger consultation room. There were no furniture yet considering that is is in its early stages but like this, it already looked like a dream.

"Hopefully it's everything you've been dreaming of?" Daniel walks up to me, waving off his entourage. He walked in, complementing my beige suit with his black one. Never be the one to walk in with casual clothing I suppose, though he did have a tie while I had a few buttons left open.

I knew he'd be here; but why do I wish he wasn't?

"More than that really," I say hoping that my voice doesn't give away the difference in how I look at him.

"I'm guessing you watched the interview?" He said, hiding his hands in his pocket as he cokced his brows. Either he can read minds or I'm a terrible liar.

"What gave it away?" I asked as one of the workers handed me a clipboard with a small print of what this shop should look like once it's finished.

"Good guess?" He shrugged and I still try not to look at him. He makes it hard. "I'm sorry they had to bring up that rumour, I didn't know they had that. I didn't even know where that came from." He whispered and I chuckled.

"Maybe it's from your daring exhibition at the party," I sassed and he tilt his head, mouth agape as we stood there, our backs to the door watching the painters on the wall.

"That was taken care of, Jeanette," He retorts trying to keep his temperment in check. I wonder if he thought his morning would start of with a woman coming at his throat for being too reckless.

"How else would they have known that- "

"If you're thinking it's because of me trying to show you what I can do, it's not. Every night after a social event everything is run through. Every file, every post. Every thing. It wasn't a leak on our part." He defended, turning to me and I watched as the wildness in his eyes grew. The way there was hurt, offence and anger in them. I felt guilty.

"Sorry," I whispered, not wanting to hear him angrier than he already is. Call me weak but I really don't want to push my limits with him.

"No, don't ever apologise for telling me your thoughts, Jeanette-" he tells me, sighing away his frustration and I furrow my brows. " - nothing will work if we keep our thoughts to ourselves alright?" He says and I stare at him in awe of how much he could control himself.

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