27 | let the games begin

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"What the hell was that?" I asked as we stopped the entourage behind the closed walls

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"What the hell was that?" I asked as we stopped the entourage behind the closed walls. "That's not what we talked about, Daniel." The detestment in my tone was everything but undetectable.

"I assure you I have absolutely no idea what that was. This speech was strictly handled by PR, I— Leon! Why the hell were we not briefed about that?" Daniel raised his voice while he led us to his office. The rest of the staff dispersed out of our way with their heads low. It seems as if this isn't their first time seeing their boss being tense.

"Uh, sir, I didn't write that speech, I—I was asked not to pre-read it, sir, I—"

"I wrote it," Ezekiel stood up from one of the seats facing Daniel's desk. He didn't look surprised, nor worried, nor frustrated like the rest of the room was. I tilt my head.

"Oh my God, is this one of your petty jesters—"

"No, of course not." He chuckled, averting his eyes to everyone but us. "Everyone else, out of the room." He commanded, gesturing for all of them to flock to the door. Amazingly, no one questioned it. Between all the hushed whispers and paper ruckus, my mind raced off many insults I could gather to throw onto this man of absolute putridity. I looked at Daniel and he shared the same thoughts but shook his head at me knowing exactly what I had in mind.

Once the heavy thunder of the door closing echoed, the words flew out.

"What the fuck were you thinking Ezekiel, in no point did I tell you to take charge or that—"

"If you let me explain for one-second big brother, maybe you'll actually figure out why I did it and didn't tell you," He said so calmly it boiled my blood.

"This better be good," I took a step towards him, gritting my teeth. "Or I'll make sure to write your fucking eulogy for you."

"Damn, you kiss my brother with that mouth?" He smirked and I felt my body about to launch at him but alas, I strayed and paced, running my hand through my face.

"Let her be Zeke, you just made her say that her business is about to be sold without her consent. How'd you feel if it was this company?" Daniel crossed his arms, his temper dialled down—better than mine.

"Luckily, I wouldn't have let myself get into this mess in the first place. The first principle of being rich and successful: never eat more than what you can swallow." Zeke winked provokingly and he truly is treading on very thin ice and I'm not about to stop him.

"Just get to it you idiot," Daniel frowned and I swallowed, taking a moment to admire this side of him. Quite stereotypical I suppose yet, not any less enticing.

"Mother asked me to write it," he shrugged and I stopped in my tracks, looking at Daniel who's mouth slightly opened. "She had an urgent meeting with the rest of the board about this and they've decided that it's more believable to say that we are planning to expand then buy rather than to just invest. If we were going to tell a lie that decreases the chances of you two's affair being incriminated, might as well make it believable."

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