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Music blasting through my ears and my feet dribbling to the rhythm as I stepped down from the pavement

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Music blasting through my ears and my feet dribbling to the rhythm as I stepped down from the pavement. Cold sweat dripped down my forehead whilst the early December flurry blew my hair with it. A morning run wouldn't usually be my main method of coping yet as the days get longer and nights get a little bit colder, Daniel's silence from his side swiftly turns into worry. I haven't even gotten a call from him over the last two weeks. I even found my solidarity to be quite frustrating and knowing me, that is not a usual event. So, I did what I did best—drowned myself in the finest workload I could lay my hands on. Except for this one dreary Sunday.

Getting up became a chore for once that I thought I'd lost myself and what better way to revoke myself from that dark corner by shocking my system to run in the cold. I haven't ran in a while so I was asking for sore legs and muscle pain but perhaps it's time to result in masochism to feel at least a little bit assured that one of these days he will actually call.

I stop on my tracks just before The Underground sign. As I pulled my earbuds out, the bustling city streets filled the void, reminding me that I am not in some fantasy nor am I inside a very tedious nightmare.

I smiled.

Still, I remember the very night Daniel and I met. Hell, I even dream about it like some infatuated girl who writes poetry about that one charming boy. It was a very dangerous line, to begin with. Back then I was still with Leo—practically, unhappily. Then again, back then I also didn't know who he was. All my ruminating and wondering had led me deep in thoughts and scenarios of what would happen if I'd known who he was? What could have happened if I wasn't so hung up on Leo and I'd just easily let him go? What if Daniel never came to my shop? There are so many little things that could have happened or not that would have changed where we are today and yet, here I am. Staring back to where it all began. It's only been four months since then but it feels like forever ago. Like I'd know him all this time and all the time before then. Such a paradox I suppose.

But no day is the same as the rest, that's why memories exist. If days were bound to be the same then memories would be nothing but redundancy, something completely unnecessary. So, before I could spend more of my time reminiscing, I made my way back home. Though, maybe my fitness wouldn't be satiated without the tempting aroma from the bakery down my road or the fresh coffee from the Starbucks from beyond the block.

I caved and got myself some breakfast. Pumpkin Spice Latte and some cinnamon rolls because it was feeling like that kind of day.

Luckily, as soon as I got home, the grey skies decided to warn me about the storm it was about to bring. Though as soon as I got my eye on the porch, my concerns were averted. A man was sitting there with his hat tipped down, covering his face. He was on the step keeping his head low, his hands on his knees. I frowned, of course, wondering why there was a strange man sitting on my porch so I looked around. I turned on every corner looking at every bush near me and my house and as soon as I found nothing I swiftly made my way up to the man.

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