author's note

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Hello, my loves!

Thank you so much for finishing this book along with me. I have never in my life fallen in love with characters I created as much as I fell in love with Daniel and Jeanette. I hope you feel the same too because I'm hoping...this isn't the last time we'll see them *wink wink*

Anyway, thank you so much for sticking around and for supporting my work. I truly love you with all of me. You are making my dreams come true and validating them just by passing through this book. Your completion of it makes it a thousand per cent more meaningful so thank you. Special shout out to those who found this book through TikTok! You guys are literally so powerful.

As of February 2022, I am working in two other projects. My plan is to have a gap year between this book and the sequel just to have myself a breath of new life. But...the sequel has already begun and rest assured once it's ready to publish, I will let you know.

For now, find me in my newest works! And follow me on Instagram for more updates :)

I hope to see you once again for a glass of wine ;)

Forever yours,
Illiana Klyne

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