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10 months later .....


"Oh yesssss fuck me daddy... oh yessss"! Kimberly moans were so loud shit the neighbors probably heard her ass . She was this stripper bitch I meant at the club few months ago . She had a fat ass that was jigging against my upper leg. I don't know whether it was fake or real but if it was fake her surgeon did a amazing job.
As I'm fucking this bitch there was a ring at my doorbell .
"Fuck who is that"? I said as I'm hitting it from the back.
"Don't stop daddy .... Mhm don't stop"! She moaned .
Before we knew it the bedroom door bust open and in walks my damn cousin.
       "Martin yo damn what the fuck I'm busy here" I said annoyed at how he just let himself in. His keys was definitely going to get revoked TODAY!
        "Man I need to talk to you and this shit is important"! He said .
The look on his face told me he was serious. "Ight man give me like five minutes".
Kimberly replied "five minutes are you serious"?
I glanced down at her as Martin was closing the door and said "yea fucking five minutes you act like this A1 pussy bitch I should've been had my fucking nut now suck me up because the pussy ain't hitting for shit".
      See I wasn't even going to say shit to her ass but she needed to know her pussy wasn't all that for her to even be questioning me.

      After sending Kimberly on her marry way I went to my kitchen where I found Martin raiding my fridge .
"You going through my shit nigga you better have money to pay for it".
Martin turned around with a plate of leftover lasagna I had a cook make yesterday and said "whatever bitch".
        I sat at the island and said "okay so what's this shit you had to tell me that was so important"?
"I thought you use rubbers when you fucking these hoes"? He asked.
I sucked my teeth and said "nigga I do the fuck I'm not going to raw fuck some random bitch".
       Martin grabbed his plate from the microwave and said "nigga you sure"?
I spoke with confidence and said "positive bitch".
Martin took his first bite and said "okay answer me this . Did you fuck Kardier that night after the party"?
      I grinned thinking about the memories of that nigga and how me and her got so high in her grandmas house one thing led to another and "yea I did high sex too Nigga I thought I told you that"?
       Martin responds dryly "no you didn't . Anyway did you use a condom"?
I began thinking and honestly I couldn't remember like I said we were both tipsy from the part and then there was weed involved I just know the sex was fucking good as hell.
      "Shit I don't know . What I do know is that she changed her fucking number, so that good pussy I got that night I'll never get again".
      Martin sigh and said sitting his plate down "cuz I saw her today at the mall with that bitch Calvin".
"He getting to bold coming to our mall and shit" I said sternly .
Martin quickly add "yea and I stepped to his ass until Kardier walked up holding a baby. Man she got in between us and I couldn't fight him with a baby in her arms".
       "Baby. She had a baby with that Calvin nigga"?
Martin got quiet for a minute and then pulled out his phone .
"I told my bitch to look her up on Instagram . Look at the baby nigga".
I glanced at the baby and said "what"? I wasn't understanding why he was showing me her baby .
      Martin chuckled and said "it's no way you don't see that fucking baby is a split image of you , just the girl version. He swiped and showed me a picture of me when I was a baby and of Kardier baby damn we looked like identical twins and then it came back to me.
"No condom are you fucking serious Meechie"?
"Man chill I'll pull out I promise" .
"You better I'm not playing"
"Girl chill and just let me make you feel good".

I snapped out my thoughts and grabbed my keys. Martin ran behind me "Nigga wait on me".

         "Kardi shut that fucking baby up"! Calvin yelled from the living room as he was playing the video game . I was in the bathroom looking at my black eye he gave me in the car coming from the mall because I yelled at him for making a scene. I knew if I didn't get Scarlet to stop crying he'd probably beat on me some more.
      When I found out I was pregnant with Scarlet I knew she wasn't Calvin's but I also knew what kind of nigga Meechie was, so I let Calvin believe she was his. Deep down I wanted to tell Meechie about Scarlet but my pride just wouldn't let me .
       It crazy because she looked nothing like Calvin and nothing like me. She was every bit of Meechie , but I guess Calvin was to blind to notice. Not to mention he didn't know about the ride home after the party no way.
       My friends knew though and they would always tell me I needed to tell Meechie and every time I told them to drop it and leave it be.
       I wasn't going to take Calvin back after what he admit at the party, but when I got pregnant my grandma kicked me out. She was to religious and didn't believe in having a kid out of wedlock . I had no choice but to forgive Calvin and move back in with him.
       Sitting on the toilet I rocked Scarlet until she fell asleep and that's when there was a knock at Calvin's apartment door.
"Kardi get the fucking door"! Calvin yelled . Shit he was literally feets away he could literally lean over and open the fucking door himself.
       I grabbed the shades and walked to the door opening it and seeing Meechie standing before me with the dude from the mall . They walked in without me letting them in and all Meechie did was stare at Scarlet who was asleep in my arms.
      "Woah what the fuck. Ain't no way y'all showed up at my spot" Calvin said throwing his headphones and controller standing up mad as hell.
He was looking for his gun when the guy who came with Meechie pulled out his "whatever it is you looking for bitch I advise you stop looking and stand the fuck still".
      I spoke saying "Meechie" not knowing what to expect next .
All he said was "is she mine"?
Calvin replied "Nigga why the fuck would she be yours huh"?
Meechie looked at Calvin who stood now beside me and said "I fucked your girl nigga raw had her calling me daddy and yea the looks of that baby she's holding that's mines nigga all mines".
      Calvin looked at me and said with anger "is this fucking true"? I've seen him mad but never this mad he looked like he wanted to kill me.
Afraid I didn't know what to say. Me not saying nothing gave Calvin his answer so he replied saying "you nasty bitch. You had me thinking this bastard baby was mine the whole time"?!
Meechie interrupts and asked again "is this my baby Kardi"?
      I slowly nod yes . Calvin hands went up like he was about to hit me when the gun goes off and he drops to the floor. Scarlet flinches but I rock her quickly to keep her asleep as Meechie walks over and takes her from my arms.
      He glanced over at the man who came with him and said "Martin finish him off" and then said to me "pack y'all shit we out".
I could hear Calvin pleas as I packed and Meechie watched and then I heard two more shots and no more pleading .
      They had killed Calvin and as much as I wanted to cry I couldn't because of everything that man had put me through. Maybe this was his karma to be dead .
        Once in Meechie's Range Rover I asked "where are you taking us"?
Dryly he said "Don't ask no questions just ride alright"?

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