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-I changed it Maria didn't get hit instead it was Julius . Now back to the story....

Fatima sat in the waiting room with Julius's friends and Maria. He had been in surgery for what seemed like a hours. In her mind the last thing she remembered was him saying "we should do this again friend" and now here we are in the hospital and I might not get that chance again.
Maria sat with Kardier and Zoe looking at Fatima who sat on the other side of the hospital waiting room alone.
"I don't know why your here"! She yelled.
Kardier replied "Maria not here" .
She pulled away and said "she don't even know Julius why the fuck is she even here you need to leave".
Meechie responds with "yo Maria chill the fuck out she can be here if she fucking wants".
Maria responds with "why y'all defending this bitch we don't even know her".
Zoe then said "okay we don't know her but she's just as worried as we are Maria relax please".
Maria shakes her head and said "can't believe this shit. Everything was fine until she showed up".
Fatima replied "your man was just run over and is in critical condition and all you worried about is me. Bitch I'm starting to think you wanna fuck me , but that's to bad because I don't fuck bitches with real dicks".
Maria jumped up and was about to charge at Fatima when Meech jumped up and pushed her down in the chair and said "chill the fuck out both of you . My boy might not make it , I don't have time for the bickering got it. If not I'll put a bullet in both y'all asses"!
They both got quiet just as the doctor walked in.
Everyone stands up and Maria rushed over and said "please tell me something doctor please".
The doctor sighs and said "he's in a coma . It'll be day to day . He's going to need around the clock care if he does come out of it. Both his legs are broke , a few ribs , broken left arm and he has some head trauma. I have to get back to him but once he's in a room you'll be able to visit".
It was like something switched in Maria . Once the doctor left the room she turns to everyone and said "I can't give him no around the clock care I have a career".
Fatima couldn't believe what she was saying this was suppose to be a man she so called loved and she couldn't take care of him when he needed her most .
Kardier says "a nurse can help Maria".
"Not overnight . Look him not being able to walk or do for himself is just to damn much".
Everyone was now looking at Maria sideways. Zoe now saw that maybe Maria was just with Julius because he was a gay Nigga with money. This was now putting a bad taste in her mouth . Everyone was feeling how Zoe now felt .
Maria shakes her head and said "this is just to much I need some air".

When she left Martez replied "she's not going to take care of him it's fucking evident . We need to find someone to take care of our boy".
Fatima speaks "I'm a registered nurse".
Everyone turned and looked at her , Meech replied "aren't you busy looking for your sister"?
Fatima sigh and said "I'm just offering my assistance".
Kardier then says "okay well first we need a background check on this chick, and if she checks out I don't see a problem. I mean better than getting someone we don't know when we have someone we know a little".
Meech sigh and said "ight fine".

After everyone visited with Julius , it was Fatima's turned . She didn't want to cause drama and see him before Maria, but she never came back to the waiting room, and when Zoe went downstairs to get her she was gone .
Fatima walked over to the bed where Julius was. He was hooked up to so many machines it was sad . She had barely even known this man and here she was right now feeling bad for him.
She sat down beside him and said "if your friends like me I could be your nurse. Hopefully they find out I'm a good person like you did and give me a chance. But you gotta come out of this Julius please. Your the first good guy I've met in a while and to lose you this soon before our friendship can get off the ground isn't fair. Please , please , please".
Fatima sat with him until visitation was over and then she left . Not one time that she was there those three hours did Maria show back up to the hospital.
The reason why she didn't show up and what the crew will find out the next day was that Maria left the hospital and caught the first plane ticket out of Florida. All this was just to much for her to deal with at the moment .

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