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       I was in the section chilling with my boys . Kardi told me she was just going to pull up with her girls instead of me coming to get her. I invited her out because I know between working and taking care of our daughter she didn't do much. The club was pack but it wasn't to pack, but I made sure when they did arrive they'd be able to come straight to the section.
      All damn day Lili ghetto ass had been blowing my phone up. I ignored her every time because what part of I didn't want her no more did she not understand? I should've never fucked twice after we called it quits because now I'm guess she thinks it some hope in us getting back together .
As I'm declining her call Martin taps my shoulder and said "damn bruh look at your baby momma".
I glanced up and saw her making her way through the crowd . She looked so fine with that red straight Brazilian hair flowing down her back. She was also wear this tight black shiny type strapless jumpsuit with some black heels . She had one simple necklace around her neck with our daughter name on it and some Diamond earrings . Her skin looked so good and her smile literally lit up the room.
"Damn nigga put your tongue back in your mouth you drooling" Martin said laughing .
I sucked my teeth and sipped my drink , watching her make her way to me until some square nigga stepped in front of her .
Once I felt like they had been talking to long I got up and made my way over .
They didn't even see me walk up until I said "Kardi wassup"?
She glanced at me and back to the dude before saying over the music "oh Meechie this is Roland . Roland this is..."
I cut her off and said "I'm Meechie how you know my baby momma"?
Dude seemed shocked . I had seen his ass a round before but I couldn't put my finger on where. Roland replied "we went to school together . Damn Kardi I didn't know you was a mom"?
She looks at me and rolls her eyes before saying "yea my...our daughter is three months".
Roland stared at me and from the look on his face I could see he ain't want no problems .
"Well Roland it was nice meeting you , you enjoy your night . Need anything just ask for the owner me".
I then grabbed Kardi's hand and walked her away.
Once in the section Kardi pulled me down and said in my ear "why did you do that"?
I leaned up and gave her a smirk before leaning back down and saying "my baby momma don't need to be entertained by some lame ass nigga ...twice".
She crossed her arms and said "what I need a nigga like you"?
I laughed and said "you not going to find another nigga like me baby".
She waved me off and grabbed my cup from my hands and down the rest of my Hennessy. Just had to let her know that she wasn't going to find nobody like me so there was no reason for her to even try.

So we in the section with Meechie and his friends having fun dancing when Farrah gets my attention .
"Who's that coming this way"? I looked and see a female headed our way.
Zoe replied "I think that's your baby daddy ex . You remember Crystal from school I think that's her half sister".
Farrah replied "hopefully she don't come with no problems".
Zoe rolled her eyes and said "if we gotta fight a bitch tonight Farrah you better swing because we know how you get".
Meechie must've seen her coming our way because he came to me and said "don't say nothing to her ight".
As he was talking the female is now few feet away and she says "Meechie"!
      "What Lili"?
"Who's this"? She said moving her neck around pointing at me.
Meechie replied "none of your damn business".
She ignored him and yelled "bitch who are you and why you in the section with my man"?
      I laughed and Meechie turned and said "don't say shit Kardi"!
"Bitch you better answer before I beat your ass"!
I spoke no longer listening to Meechie and said "Meechie should I tell her or you"?!
Meechie sigh and said "relax".
She then tried to get around him but he held her back.
"He not going to let you hit his baby momma sis". She looked shocked and said "this the bitch you got pregnant"?
      She then grabbed a drink and tossed it at me . That right there made me charge at her and I don't think Meechie was ready . When I swung I hit him instead and he moved out the way . Once he was out the way me and this Lili bitch went at it .
      I could hear Meechie in the background telling her friends and the security "don't touch my baby momma . Don't touch my baby momma . This bitch deserves this ass whooping".
      When I heard Farrah say "Kardi she's bleeding get up this is so fucking ghetto".
I got off her and Meechie snatched me back and said to her "that's what the fuck you get". Then he turned to me and said "come on we leaving" he grabbed my hand tightly and pulled me all the way out the club.
       Walking to his car I said "you need to control your hoes"!
He replies "man get your rowdy ass in the car I told you not to say shit"!
I sucked my teeth and like a big kid did what he said . Once inside I texted the group chat and said that me and Meechie was leaving . Then I turned my head towards him and said "since we leaving I'm hungry".
Dryly he said "you got food home". Wow this nigga is really treating me like a child.

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