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Be ready to look like....

Meechie     I awoke to Julius calling my phone

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    I awoke to Julius calling my phone. Thank God that laxative wore off that shit had me tired as fuck. Grabbing my phone off the nightstand I answered .
"Nigga wassup"? I answered .
"Bruh I got some shit to tell you, you alone"? He asked.
"Hold up" I said, getting out of bed where Kardi was sleeping and going downstairs to my office.
     Once settle in my office I said "alright wassup"?
"Man so I got word that Kardier and Calvin's relationship ain't what we thought it was".
I sat up and said "what you mean"?
"I was told that yea Calvin was beating her ass, but she was also fighting his ass back. Sometimes she started the fight, said they both were chaotic. Said Calvin was tired of the craziness and was trying to leave Kardi but she wouldn't let him. Said she would do some type of dramatic shit to keep him around".
"Word"? I said shocked I thought this Kardi I was getting was because she was around me to much, but this crazy shit always been in her .
     "Word my dude she played us your girl been crazy".
I rubbed my hands down my face and said "what else is there to tell me"?
He chuckled and said "besides the fact that you got a crazy bitch, ummm nothing".
"Who told you this"? I asked .
"I ran into his cousin Lamar and he asked me about her said he heard y'all was together and that maybe I should warn you".
      Damn how many red flags did I need, what number red flag was this?

      "I can't wait till you start walking momma" I said as I fed my daughter. She just looked at me and started smiling with the food around her mouth looking like Meechie. I rubbed my belly and said "I hope you look like me" I said .
     "We need to talk" I heard Meech said as he came into the kitchen dressed.
"About"? I asked .
"You and Calvin" he said .
"Okay. What do you want to know"? I said not understanding where this was coming from . I thought Calvin was behind us.
      "Was he just beating your ass for no reason or did you give him a reason"?
I turned and said "the fuck you mean did I give him a reason there should never be a reason for a man to hit a woman".
"Or a woman to hit a man" he snapped back.
I looked at him as he poured him some apple juice to go with the food I cooked him and said "if you know something just fucking say it".
        He replied giving me the spoon to take a bite first "I got a phone call from Julius".
I ate the food on the spoon and said "nigga the food is good alright and what did Julius fucking say"?
     "That he heard you and Calvin use to attack each other and that Calvin wanted to leave but you wouldn't let him. Said you wasn't the fucking damsel in distress like it seemed".
       I laughed and said "and who he got this information from"?
"Calvin's cousin Lamar" Meechie answered .
I shook my head and grinned "make sense".
"What"? He asked .
I grabbed my phone and said "Lamar always fucking gossiping like the bitch he wanna be".
     Meechie responds saying "what the fuck does that mean"?
"I still have the camera app from the penthouse on my phone. It's some shit you should see , before I show you though what I mean is that Lamar is gay as they come. He wanna be a women so fucking badly that we always bumped heads. He hated me because I was the bitch he couldn't be. No he didn't lie , me and Calvin fought, but Calvin was a monster and he needed just what he got".
      "Lamar gay? You sure . Julius don't fuck with gay people".
I laughed and handed him my phone "you sure ? Because you friend was sure tonguing down Roland a few nights ago. And if he's around Lamar he must be bending Lamar over as well".
      Meechie took one glance and jumped up running off to the trash can.
"Yea tell your boy before he run shit on me make sure his background clean gay ass".
Meechie started hurling and I grinned "Scar looks like daddy day has been ruined".

One Night Stand with a Hood Nigga Where stories live. Discover now