Chapter 6

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It was the moment of truth and a pivotal motion of Agent X to confront the man responsible for all the evil atrocities conducted on him, leaving an empty gap of his past life a mystery. He opened the door to the control room, and pointed the gun at Deshed from behind. Deshed froze, hearing the gun click. "It was only a matter of time until you showed up."

"Turn around, slowly," Agent X said.

Deshed turned to face Agent X. "This won't change anything."

"Take me to the Zela drugs," Agent X pointed his gun to Deshed's head. "Hands up!"

"You think by killing me would stop us? Cut off one head and another will resume my role." Deshed frowned.

"Well, I'll just need a bigger ax then. Move!" Agent X shoved Deshed forward.

"So desperate to know your past. I'm the only one who knows who you are. You think you are some kind of hero? That you will find any kind of redemption?"

"Have you looked in the mirror lately?You have more skeletons in your closet, Deshed. You stole my life like you did with the others. I think we both know there is no redemption in what you did. Keep moving." Agent X pushed him forward.

Agent X was sure Deshed wouldn't give up any clue of his true identity. In that respect, he held all the cards over the seasoned assassin. Regardless of the truth, Agent X had to eradicate the Zela drugs and deal with the Raven Agency. He sees them as a hostel threat to the government. There was no telling what targets the Raven Agency had planned to eliminate or how many people they would use as guinea pigs to carry out their sordid little schemes. Agent X knew what had to be done and there was no going back for him. 

When Agent X got to the door, leading to the Zela drugs, Deshed opened the door and they both entered the room. Inside there was a large lab and several tables. There were at least twenty people wearing black gloves, white poncho coats, gas masks and goggles, working around the clock cooking up the Zela drugs that was similar to a crystal meth lab. They stopped what they were doing gazed at Deshed and Agent X. They had their hands up and panicked.

"Is this all the drugs you have?" Agent X asked.

"Yes, please don't kill us!" One man in a gas mask said.

"Leave this place before I change my mind," Agent X said.

All drug makers ran out of the room while Agent X was still pointing his gun at Deshed. He trashed the place, pushing glass and all the pills on the floor. Deshed brows furrowed at the site of Agent X's actions. 

"That's enough Agent X and I suggest you drop your weapon or she will die." Agent L held a gun to Casey's head.

Deshed Smirked."Well, it looks like the table had turned."

The mission was compromised and Agent X had no choice to comply with Agent L's request, fearing the outcome of Casey's fate would be severe. He couldn't afford to lose her. A part of him wished he took him out sooner and to end that repugnant smirk, beaming off Deshed's face and showing all of his white perfect teeth just to mock him. Agent X's free hand balled into a fist as he sighed. 

"Drop your gun and kick it to me," Agent L said.

"Don't do it Agent X," Casey said.

"Shut up!" Agent L, said, "Enough talk from you! Drop your weapon or she dies."

Agent X dropped his gun and kicked it toward Agent L. His eyes narrowed at the sight of him. 

"Smart move," Agent L said. 

Agent X Dark DescentWhere stories live. Discover now