Chapter 9

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"What time is it?" Deshed asked, tapping his fingers on the table.

Agent Q uploaded the Zala drug files on the backup USB flash drive and she gave it to Deshed."10:45p.m."

Deshed in a nervous motion checked the camera feed of the front building, as he saw five dead guards on the ground. "Something is wrong? Agent S has been gone too long. I don't like this. Agent Q, get Agent L to bring the girl to the car quickly."

Agent Q left her laptop getting up from the chair."Yes, sir."

Agent X walked in the room with his gun aimed at Deshed as Agent drew out her gun."I don't think so, where is Casey? Drop the gun Q."

Agent Q moved forward with her gun. "You first."

"Well, if it isn't the black sheep of the Raven agency," Deshed said.

"Drop your weapon." Agent Q knitted a brow pointing a gun on him. "You think you are fast enough to pull that trigger?"

"Don't test me," Agent X said, itching to pull the trigger.

"I'm gonna ask again, where is Casey?"Agent X asked, glaring at him with cold eyes.

"And if I don't tell you?" Deshed asked in a condescending tone.

Agent X shot Deshed's hand as he screamed. "The next bullet will go to your head. I'm not gonna ask you to drop your weapon."

Agent Q placed her gun on the floor while keeping her hands up.

"Good choice, stand back against the wall," Agent X said.

Deshed laughed, gripping his blooding hand. "You enjoy killing just like we program you to be. It's too bad you will never know who you truly are. I'm the only one that holds that information."

"Where is Casey?" Agent X asked, gritting his teeth.

"You must really have a thing for her," Deshed said with a half smirk.

"I will count to three," Agent X said.



Agent L pushed her in the room."She is right here." He lifted his gun at Agent X. "You and I have a score to settle."

Deshed chuckled."You lost your leverage. "It is time to end this."

"You really think so?" Agent X said, staring deep into Deshed's eyes as spun quickly and shot Agent L clear in the chest and head as he rolled to the side.

Casey got down screaming on the floor while Agent Q fired her gun at Agent X hitting his stomach and hid behind the table. Deshed ran out of the room.

Agent X shouted. "Deshed!"

Agent X fired multiple rounds at Agent Q, while pulling Casey off the floor to safety against the wall. He gritted his teeth from the stomach wound. "It doesn't have to be this way, Q, Deshed is using you. I don't want to kill you."

"You had no trouble killing our brothers," Agent Q said, shooting in their direction as bullets rippled against the wall.

"Casey, I need you to stay here," Agent X added a new magazine clip to his gun and recoiled it.

Casey glanced at Agent X with a concerned look."She doesn't have to die."

"It's her choice," Agent X said, directing his gun.

"There is always a choice. She doesn't have to die." Casey folded her arms.

"You do realize she is part of the Raven Agency. The same agency that kidnapped you," Agent X said. "She can't be trusted."

Agent X Dark DescentWhere stories live. Discover now