Chapter 22

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Somewhere inside a hospital, Agent X eyed a doctor stitching Casey's wound while sitting in the chair winching. From the center of the wall, a fresh cool bruise blew through the open window. Agent X received a buzz from his cell phone. He pulled it out of his pocket and saw a message that Read: "Meet me at the Mountain Drive alone."

Agent X formed a puzzled expression from his face as he turned around, observing the hallway of nurses on the floor. He suspected someone had tabs on him.

Hugo walked in with a sullen expression, carrying a styrofoam cup of warm coffee in hand. "She is gonna make it."

Agent X gave Hugo a cold, distant stare. "Yeah, she proved to be a fighter."

Hugo sipped his coffee. "It is sad what happened to Dax."


"So, what is on the agenda?" Hugo asked.

Agent X turned to face Hugo. "I need to go somewhere. You can look after Casey until I return?"

Hugo studied his expression. "What's going on?"

"Someone sent me a text to meet them."

Hugo scratched the back of his neck."I don't like the feeling of this. It feels like a setup."

"Even so, I can't involve you or her in this matter."

"What do you want me to say to Casey?" Hugo's eyes widened.

Agent X stared at her, formed a half smile and looked at Hugo as it faded. "Never mind. I'm out."

"Right, solo mission it is. Just watch your back out there."

Agent X walked out of the room, his feet hitting the marble white floor of the hallway. He approached the elevator and pressed on the button to open it as the steel door slid open in slow motion. A male nurse exited the elevator when Agent X pressed on the lobby button to head down. The door closed while taking a breath.

Hours later, Agent X arrived at the destination as he pulled up to the curb and parked. He turned off the car. Agent X stepped out of the vehicle with his gun in hand, not knowing what to expect. He continued to walk forward close to a black light pole. A man sat on a black bench.

"Agent X, right on schedule." A man said looking at his black wrist watch.

"Who the hell are you?"

"You can call me Price. The question is who are you?"

Agent X pointed his gun at Price.

"Come, sit, the view is nice."

Agent X narrowed his eyes as he sat next to Mr. Price with his gun aimed at the man.

Mr. Price broke pieces of bread to feed a group of birds hovering the grass to be devoured. "Nice night, isn't it? Have you ever wondered why they made you so good at what you do? It must be equally frustrating not knowing what you were before all this." Price threw more pieces of the bread to the birds.

Agent X gritted his teeth. "What do you want?"

"Always straight to the point." Mr. Price turned to Agent X with a light smirk. "Alright, I want you to help me take down Deshed Harvester."

"Why should I help you?"

Mr. Price pulled a black flash drive from his coat pocket. "This holds the key to your past. If you eliminate him, you can have it."

"What's in it for you?"

"You just focus on the mission. Use that raw talent that was ingrained in that beautiful mind of yours."

Agent X Dark DescentWhere stories live. Discover now