Chapter 17

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Agent X opened the door slowly, pointing his gun. His eyes adjust to the darkness dotting side to side. As his footsteps crunched on the ground, he turned right walking forward near a tall tree. When Agent X crushed a tree branch with his shoe, a gun was fired as it hit the tree that missed Agent X's head. He ducked down and hid on the other side of the tree. He stuck his head out and pulled back as more bullets hit against the tree bark.

Agent X gritted his teeth."I got no time for this." Agent X fired back with three shots.

Agent B smirked as moved to the side, dodging bullets. "Time to clip your wings." He raised his silencer, firing more shots as one stray bullet hit Agent X's arm as blood trickled on the tree bark.

"Let me guess? The Raven Agency sent a straight shooter. Well, let me tell you. I don't shoot blanks."Agent X did a forward roll and as he pulled the trigger, firing more shots at Agent B taking out his left leg.

Agent B went down cringing from the pain as blood oozed from his leg. "I will make you suffer for that."

Agent X loaded a clip to his gun."You won't be the first and you certainly won't be the last." As Agent X turned with his gun, Agent B disappeared. 

Agent X's eyes moved side to side while pointing his gun in the pitch black darkness. His heart beat mirrored his footsteps. "It doesn't have to go down like this."

"Oh, but it does. You see I can't leave here after I take care of you and come for Deshed. I get the privilege to kill one of the Raven Agency's most lethal weapons. I heard so much about you. I want to see how good you really are." 

From the side, Agent B kicked Agent X gun out his hand as he delivered a fast jab to the right side of his face. Agent X backed up with his knuckles up, pivoting his feet.

Agent X countered Agent B punch and punched him hard in the face and chest. Agent B swept and kicked Agent X as he hit the ground. Agent B got on top of Agent X and started pounding his fist toward his temple. Agent X held up his hands countering his move moments. 

Agent B gave Agent X the death stare. I will make your death quick. Agent X kicked Agent B in the face and locked his leg around his arm and flipped him over and punched Agent B's face."

Agent B smiled with blood in his teeth as he head butted Agent X. He put his thumps into Agent X's eyes. Agent X felt for a big rock that was three inches from the grass. He lifted it up and bashed Agent B at the side of his head. Agent X screamed while pounding his skull in with the rock until it became bloody and smooth against his palm. "You were wrong about making my death quick." Agent X got up breathing hard as he staggered walking toward the house from the woods.

As Agent X opened the door to the house, the room was still dark. He creaked up the wooden steps. "Honey, I am home." Agent X opened the door to the room as his eyes widened seeing that Deshed escaped his confinement. 

"Where the hell did you go?"

A car sped through the street, burning rubber on the pavement. Agent X ran toward the window. He banged his hand on the window seal. Agent X walked over to the chair and found a white note on the floor. He picked it and read it. See you soon. Agent T. Agent X crumbled the note with his fist as he frowned. 

A gun was fired at Agent X's window as he took a shot from his right arm and took cover. He glanced up at the opening and took cover again as he saw it was Agent B firing more rounds as the back of his skull healed back in place.

"Agent X! I'm not done with you yet." Agent B fired his gun.

"And that's something we agree with. Agent X got up and fired his gun at Agent B. He ducked back in the corner. "Something tells me it's gonna be a long night."

Agent X Dark DescentWhere stories live. Discover now