Chapter 12

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After a two hour meeting, Senator Greg Guynan was riding inside his personal black limo along with two women drinking a glass of champagne. One was a curvy, blonde-haired, ocean blue eyed personal assistant and the other was a brown-haired, slim to the waist, maid he grew fond of for three years. It was no secret he cheated on his wife on multiple occasions. Keeping his illicit affairs was never easy. 

Multiple media sources would exploit this, spinning the narrative of his tribulations as he denied the claims. The Raven Agency made it possible for him to win the Senate race for Washington by a landslide, while cleaning up his mess, which he owed a great deal of debt that he would not be able to repay.  

"So ladies? Are you ready for the private tour of the mansion?" Greg asked with a wink and wicked smirk that spread upon his face.

"Oh, I'm ready for the round trip," Felicia said, filling up her arm and face.

Sonia whispered in Greg's ear.''Yeah, we can't wait for you to show us around big daddy." She nibbled on his ear and wiped a dust feather on his nose.

"I can't wait to punish you two when we get there," Greg said with a charming tone. "Helena is away, so it gives us time to play."

The black limbo got off the main and ground to a halt. Greg  and the women were startled when they looked around, realizing they were in the middle of a dark wooded area surrounded by trees. 

Greg rolled down the window. "Hey, driver, what's going on?"

A female driver, with cold brown eyes, turned around with a black silencer and shot Sonia in the head. Blood splattered like a paint design. Felicia screamed as the bullet penetrated her head with equal procession. Their blood smeared all over Greg's clothes as he raised his hand in fear.  

Greg's eyes bulged. "Oh, God. He looked at his maid and personal assistant, their eyes open and lifeless. 

"Get out of the car," the female driver said with an emotionless tone, pointing her gun at Greg. 

Greg pushed Sonia's bloody body off him while opening the door. The female assassin made Greg walk on the path of grass in the woods as she followed him with her gun. The sound of crickets stirred in the air as it was apparent that no else was around. Fear engulfed Greg's mind, knowing his life would end at the whim of the mysterious woman.  There was no reasoning with her. 

"I got money," Greg said pleading with her. "I will give you whatever you want. I got connections. You just name it."

As soon as Greg got further enough in the woods they stopped. The woman kicked Greg in the legs, getting him on solid brown dirt beneath him. He lifted up with his hands up as if pleading for his miserable little life. Moments flash before his eyes. Then a cell phone rang. The female assassin answered the call with a sigh.

"Hello," she said, eyeing Greg.

"Is Greg there?" Deshed asked.

"Yeah, he is," she said 

"Let me talk to him, Alicia," Deshed said.

Alicia handed Greg the cellphone," Deshed wants to talk to you."

Greg placed the cell phone against his ear. "Hello."

"Senator Guynan, it has been a while. You still remember that favor you owe me? Well, I'm here to collect."

Greg paused, clearing his throat as if a frog was stuck in it. "I don't know what you mean."

"Let me spell it out for you. I want the product you promised me. "

"What product?" Greg asked.

"The Zala drugs. You promised me you would have four pounds of the drug ready within a year. What do you have to say?"

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