Chapter 15

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Water drops hit Agent X's head as he woke up dazed in metal shackles from the wrist and ankles chained to a brick wall. There was a clicking sound as a door opened in his cell. Agent X lifted his head to see who it was. The shifty brown eyes, bold head, well dressed black suit, and devil grin was a dead give away. Two other agents walked in with him.

Agent X struggled against the chains with his wrist. "Well, looks like hell finally froze over."

Deshed punched him in the stomach. Agent X struggled with his breath. "I'm gonna make you suffer first." He gritted his teeth.

"Where's Casey?"

"I wouldn't worry about her."Deshed punched Agent X in the face, droplets of blood splashed on the concrete floor. "I am just getting started."

Agent X spat blood on the ground. "Is that all you got, old man?" I know your mother can hit harder than you." 

Deshed pulled Agent X's head up. "You are one tough kid. I know you have been trained to withstand high levels of pain but even you have limits."

"Why don't you remove these chains and I can show what my limits are?" Agent X glared at him tightening his fist. "Or are you too yellow to hide between you goons and afraid to get your hands dirty."

"It's too bad you will never get the chance to know your past. Sad really. This whole project, creating you, was a means to create a new breed of assassins. Obedient, fearless, weapons at my disposal. But, I have to say, I couldn't have done it without your help. My dream wouldn't be realized now that you played a central role in my ascending to leadership of the Raven Agency. Your little disruption bumped me up in the ranks. Tonight we will harvest your organs for study to recreate Project Dark Descent to mass produce a serum. Your contribution won't be forgotten." Deshed removed his coat and gave it to one of the Agents.

"Contribution, please who wants to follow a clown like you." Agent X pulled against the chain. "Yet, you believe in your own lies. You are delusional of grandeur is outstanding."

One agent rolled out a tray of tools for torture from knives to pliers. Deshed hands slid down the items on the table. "This will do fine." He picked up a set of black pliers.

"And what you gonna do with that. You must have a dark fetish?"

"Oh, I got some ideas. Hold his hands out." Two agents held Agent X's hands.

Agent X struggled. "You know I can heal. What's the point?"

Deshed smiled with an evil grin. "While you were resting, we gave you some drugs to suppress your healing for at least a couple of hours."

Agent X grew quiet.

"What's the matter? No clever comeback? I've always imaged you would say something colorful. I want you to suffer for screwing me over with the batched Zala drugs production." Deshed took Agent X index finger and began to pull off his finger nail. Blood flowed out from his wound. Agent X screamed in pain. 

Deshed waisted no time and pulled the nail off his middle finger. Agent X bit his lip down.

Deshed eyes widen with excitement. "Oh, I am enjoying this. Hold him steady!" 

The alarm went off in the room. Gunfire echoed in the hallway as Deshed's men were picked off with head and chest shots.

"What the hell is going on?" Deshed asked.

Agent X leaned his head close enough and bit off Deshed's ear and spit it out. Deshed stood back, groaning in pain as he clutched on to his wound when blood seeping through his fingers.

Agent X Dark DescentWhere stories live. Discover now