Chapter 16

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  In a dark room, the lights were dim. The air smelled of fresh pine. A man in the shadows glanced at his gray tablet of the new headlines of the latest  of the drug bust of Zala drugs in downtown Washington. He sighed as he rubbed beads of sweat off his forehead as he looked up at a large painting on a wall of a silver coin with ravens circling around it. His eyes glanced up at the two agents that stood before him.

The man in the shadows pounded his fist on the table while crumpling up a white piece of paper."Where the hell is Deshed?"

"I don't know, sir. We haven't heard from him for a week. Should we send the search party?" One Agent asked.

"I got a better idea." The man in the shadows pressed a green button on a table. "Come in."

A door opened and a man wearing a black leather jacket walked in the room with a cold stare, chewing a wooden toothpick. "You called?"

"Time is a precious commodity that can't be wasted. I got a job for you." The man in the shadow passed him a yellow envelope on the table. "I need you to find Deshed for me."

"That won't be a problem.''The man moved up and took up the envelope as his eyes dotted back and forth. He opened the end of the envelope, examining the contents that contained a black and white photo of Agent X. "How do you want me to handle him?"

"That I leave up to you, Agent B. Bring me his body." $50,000 has already been wired to your account. The other half will be delivered to you once the job is done."

A smirk formed on Agent B's face. "It would be an honor to kill Agent X on behalf of the Raven agency. It has been a long time since I had a good hunt after all those years."

"I wouldn't underestimate him. He bested a couple of our field agents and left a wake of dead bodies within the agency."

Agent B chuckled. "Finally a worthy opponent. This should be good. I will wear his skin as a tribute when I'm done with him."

"Which is why you are not going after him alone. Take Agent Z with you." The man in the shadows folded his hands on the table.

Agent Z waved with a light smile from the corner. "Hi, partner."

Agent B spat the wooden toothpick on the floor."I work better alone." 

"You will work with Agent Z or I will send someone to replace you."The man in the shadows leans forward exposing part of his scared face and white glass right eye.

Agent B squinted his eyes at the man in the shadows. His lips curled up as he pulled a green rubber band from his wrist."A nice retirement bonus. Just what I needed."Agent B gave the man in the shadows a long look and turned and walked out of the room, closing the door. 

"Don't just stand there, go!" The man in the shadows gestures his hand.

"Yes, boss, I won't let you down." Agent Z left the room.

The man in shadow opened a black box and took out a Cuban cigar. He smelled it and got out his lighter and started to smoke it.

Agent Z left the room, catching up to Agent B. 

"Hey, wait up!"

Agent B sighed, closing his eyes as he turned around. "I don't need you."

"Well, that's tough because you are stuck with me whether you like it or not." Agent B moved toward his car.

Agent Z approached the passenger side door, pulling at the handle. "You need me as a partner."

Agent B sighed with glaring eyes. "Let me make myself clear, I don't need you and I don't want to work with you." Agent B took off in his car abandoning Agent Z.

Agent X Dark DescentWhere stories live. Discover now