Chapter 11

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Deshed sat on his black leather chair near a desk in his private office surrounded by a bookshelf, with a holographic globe projection on the wall and a bottle of whiskey on his table, while discussing his next move with a man who hid in the shadow of a computer screen, masking his voice. Everything was unraveling before his eyes. Jared's traitorous action of Raven Agency led to his end and as for his sister Alicia he wanted to protect was changed forever.

An encrypted kill order, that was programmed to Alicia, was successful after three days of erasing memories of her past and engineering her into a new breed of assassin. All that was left was to take out key players in the Senate and Raven Agency. After months of simulation training, Alicia was ready to carry out the insidious mission and follow Deshed orders no matter where it would lead or how many people she would have to snuff out to complete her objective.

"Agent X has been a problem in our operation," Deshed said, folding his hands.

"What are you proposing?" The mystery man inquired.

Deshed opened a bottle of whiskey and poured himself a glass. "I want Agent X gone."

"Agent X is an available asset," The mystery said with conviction.

Deshed drank deep from his glass and placed it on the table."An asset? He must not continue to live. One of our operatives Agent S was sent to kill him but failed." Deshed poured himself another whiskey.

The mystery man stared at Deshed. "He bested Agent S. I'm not surprised. Agent X has killed more than three hundred individuals."

Deshed sighed with a scrunched frown on his forehead as lines formed. "It seems like you admire him."

"Only his reputation. Does he remember his past?" The mystery asked.

Deshed took another sip from his glass. "No, I made sure his memories were purged completely."

"What of Agent Q?" The mystery man inquired. "A trained hacker could remedy your problem."

"I lost track of her whereabouts as far as I know she is dead." The Raven Agency is cracking behind the seams and is in need of new leadership."

The man in shadow pulled back, not exposing his face. "Let my guess? You want it to be you."

"With the original board members dead, I'll be able to ascend and create a better agency. "

"And what of the new assassin?"

"Alicia is ready I assure you."

"And Jared?"

"He is dead. A loose end that won't spoil our plans. Somehow I lost contact with the cleaner."

"That's inconvenient. You can't make an omelet without breaking a few eggs. Jared was a precipitous fool to not join our cause. He would have benefited from a new position in the Raven Agency that we would create for him and his family. A shame his sister Alicia won't remember him or her past that had any value."

Deshed wolfed down another drink."I knew he didn't have the backbone to join. The absurdity that he could just leave and not expect any consequences for his transgressions."

"And what of my daughter?"

"Casey is still with Agent X like you had orchestrated. He doesn't suspect anything."

"All right. You keep me updated. The Zala drug production will be complete by this week. The Senator's won't know what hit them as long as we stick to the plan."

The screen on the monitor went dark and Deshed was left alone to brood and drank down more whiskey to take the edge off as his hand shook, putting the glass on the table. His breath reeked of alcohol, his mind rattled with the fear of Agent X causing trouble in their affairs. He adjusted the collar from his shirt as he opened a drawer and took hold of a black small box. Deshed opened it, revealing a silver coin with a dark raven itched at the center. He took a moment to pause twirling the coin through his fingers.

Agent X Dark DescentWhere stories live. Discover now