Chapter 25

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The road was bumpy. Cold wind blew. Agent B pulled up to the curb and parked his car. He took a moment to look around the landscape of neighboring homes and some had their lights on in large white complexes with windows at each end. Agent B walked up the steps, tugging at the door with his key as he twisted the knob while he pushed the door forward. He reached for the light switch from the corner of the wall witnessing the immaculate surroundings of black leather furniture, cherry wood polished tables. A tailored red rug hung on the wall.

Soothing classical music was playing in the hallway as Agent B headed up the stairs, holding on to a rail. Agent B turned right at the corner of a white hallway door. He entered a room where Casey was tied to a chair with rope as she squirmed against her restraints. Agent B placed a crumpled up paper bag on the table.

  “I got you some food.” Agent B opened the bag, revealing a cheeseburger and a box with large fries. 

    “Why don't you kill me?”

     “You should eat.” Agent B unraveled the warm bag.


      “What do you want from me?”


       “That's a billion dollar question. Save your strength. You are gonna—”

     A car explodes outside the house as fire and smoke consumed the husk of the vehicle when Agent B pulled out his gun and peered at the window looking around. Casey turned her head as her eyes bulged. Agent X busted through the window as he kicked Agent B's gun from his hand. Agent B planted his feet, lifting his fist ready for combat. In the heat of battle, Agent B countered Agent X's punches and kicks and threw him hard across the room. Agent B trotted out of the room in pursuit of Agent X. In the instant, Agent X reached for a round metal object, chucking it at Agent B's head as he ducked and marched toward Agent X.  

     Agent B grunted throwing punches as Agent X countered and dodged. Agent B  punched a hole in the wall. Agent X jumped up pulling the red rug off the wall as Agent B bolted in his direction. Agent X tossed the rug over Agent B's head as he punched him several times in the stomach as he maneuvered away against his lethal fist. Agent B clinched his teeth as he pulled the red rug off his body. Agent B took his hand and flipped Agent X as he landed on his feet and countered with a leg sweep. Agent X locked Agent B pulling hard against Agent B's leg. Agent B clinched his teeth seething as he kicked Agent X face with his free leg. Agent X stumbled against a cabinet catching his bearings. Agent B got up from the floor breathing hard frowning while he balled his fist. Agent X spat blood on the floor and got back into his stance with one foot forward.

         “I'm gonna enjoy killing you.” Agent B cracked his knuckles with empty eyes.

         “The feeling is mutual.” Agent X narrowed his eyes as his jaw tightened. “Let's finish this.”

      Agent B took a knife from his pocket. He lunged forward at Agent X, swaying the blade in quick action against his arm and slashed Agent X chest. With quick reflexes, Agent X calculated Agent B movement with the blade exploring an opportunity to disable Agent B's wrist turning the blade at an angle as the two assassins struggled for dominance.

Gunfire was shot in the air as Agent X and B glanced at the man with a gun and Casey by his side. "You picked the wrong day to tangle. A man pointed his gun at Agent B. Drop the knife and kick it toward me.

Without hesitation, Agent B plumped the knife on the floor and kicked it over to the man. "Who are you?"


Agent X Dark DescentWhere stories live. Discover now