Chapter 14

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Deshed arrived at Falcon Falls. The hallmark operations of The Raven Agency. Heavy ventilation was blowing in the air. His agents were in place for the big move. Thirty trained assassins covered the main facility. The round clock on the wall made a loud ticking noise. A pitcher of water filled the rim at the table. Clad foot steps picked up in the hallway. A deep divide took place amongst the group.

Deshed can kill people and sleep like a baby. Power was more important to him. It was no question he would even push an old lady across the street into incoming traffic to get hit by cars without remorse. Everyone else was just a pawn used in a sacrifice for leverage. It was nothing more than a power grab to satisfy his greed and ambition to be the one in charge when his hands can be soiled by the blood of his enemies. 

Each proud senior member of the Raven Agency met at the office adorned in clad black suites, while gossiping among themselves. Alicia and Casey followed Deshed's orders. Agent T pulled on from his pocket and click on a small black rectangle controller that had turned off the cameras and deactivated the security locks, making it convenient to proceed with the insidious plan to brainwash and effect every army official with the the Zala drug, while killing off key players of the Raven Agency.

Deshed grabbed himself a seat at the table. "All is in place."

All the senior members of the Agency sat at their designated seat. The room was surrounded by concrete and thick reinforced steel. The glass windows in the room were bulletproof. One of the senior members looked at Deshed and smiled.

One man turned toward Deshed at the table with a dead expression."I thought you wouldn't come."

"Sorry to disappoint." Deshed gave a wide evil smirk.

A screen monitor mounted on a wall had lit up with a dark red background with a raven image displayed on the screen. As it cleared, a man in the shadows appeared with a dark suit and red tie. He turned his attention to the group.

"Good evening! What's the stats on the Zala Drugs?" The man from the screen asked. 

"Three months supply has picked shipment and should be crossing state lines as we speak. 25% has reached the industrial site," Deshed said.

"What of Senator Guynan? Is he on board with our plans?" The man in the shadow asked.

"Guynan won't be a problem from that sniveling worm," Deshed said with a half smile. 

"What of Agent X? I understand he has been raiding and destroying our Zala drugs for some time now. Dropping our product cost nearly 25%. Can someone explain to me how one man can cancel multiple facilities without a single scratch?

"Agent X is just good at what he does," Agent T said, folding his hands on the table. "After all, you made us that way."

"What I made was a mistake," Deshed said with a harsh tone. He points to Alicia. "She is your better."

Agent T gave a scolded look on his face. "Better at what? Looking pretty?"

Alicia overheard the conversation as she threw a knife on the table in front of Agent T close to his right hand, "You should watch your tongue. The next move will be your last."

Agent T stood up from the table as he took the knife off it in a calm manner with no fear written on his face. He turned and faced Alicia."Your idle threats are meaningless."

Alicia hissed in anger. "The next blade will go right in your head."

"I like to see you try. Go ahead, give it your best shot," Agent T said, staring at her face. 

Alicia glared at Agent T, clenching her fist and tempted to take his head clean off. "Let's take this outside then."

"Well, I am not gonna let a washed up flunky try to out-source me," Agent T said in a taunting tone.

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