Chapter 8

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Somewhere in a secluded studio complex, Deshed was running out of patience with Agent L and his failures. He had his most trusted asset Agent Q to hack in the computer database on leads to find Agent X searching every digital trail of the dark web. On the corner of the room, Casey was on a wooden chair, tied up with rope, and gray duct tape bound to her lips. Her eyes lit up at the mention of Agent X as she mumbled and gazed at them. 

Deshed leaned in on with his clammy hands over Agent Q's top of her chair. "Did you find Agent X?" 

Agent Q browsed the computer screen database. "Not yet, Sir." She pulled away from the monitor and flustered.

Deshed banged his fist on the table while his face became cold and distant."Agent X has cost me everything. We can't have him ruin our plan to take down our intended targets. The Zala drugs shipment has to be protected at all costs. Do you understand, Agent S?" 

Agent S looked at Deshed's eyes. "I know what needs to be done."

Deshed patted Agent S on the shoulder. "Good, I know I can count on you."

"Yes, boss, I will find him and kill him," Agent S said, getting his silencer piece attached to his gun ready. "It is time to remove him off the board once and for all. It would be my honor to carry out the kill."

"You can't be serious? You're sending him?" Agent L asked in a condescending tone walking in on them. "Send me back out there. I won't let you down again."

"You had your choice, Agent L, now Agent X is fair game," Agent S said with a half smirk on his face. "Why don't you run along and let the experts handle this?"

Agent L's eyes burned with fury from that last statement. "He is mine to kill, not yours!"

"Enough, Agent L! Go and watch over the girl," Deshed said with an authoritative tone. 

Agent L and Agent S locked eyes waiting for the other to make a move.

Agent S gave off a smug look. "Don't worry, boss,  Agent X will be as good as dead."

Agent L pointed his finger and gritted his teeth at Agent S. "I will deal with you later."

"I'll be waiting," Agent S said with a wide grin. "You know where to find me."

Agent L sighed wrinkling his nose and his eyebrows furrowed, walking toward Casey. He watched as she squirmed in her chair, closing the door into the room.

"Sir, I got something," Agent Q said, revealing an image feed of Agent X's last whereabouts on the computer monitor. 

Deshed and Agent S paced over to Agent Q, glazing at the monitor. The image revealed Agent X leaving from a hotel. A devious grin spread over Deshed's face. 

Deshed leaned on hands on Q's chair with a joyful smile. "Excellent work, Q send Agent S, you are up. Bring me Agent X's head."

"With pleasure, boss," Agent S said, picking up the gun off the table walking out of the room.

"Finally, I will be rid of you, Agent X. You will be erased and my plans will be carried out," Deshed said, reaching  a whiskey bottle on top shelf, pouring himself a glass. He lifted the glass to drink it.

Agent Q was typing on her laptop. "What if the plan goes south?"

Deshed turned to Q. ''He will come for the girl, we can use her as bait to draw him out. There's always a plan B, Q. If he cares for her, he will come to us. That's when we got him.''

                        * * *

The sky was pitch black. Agent X used one of the dead agents' cell phone GPS and was able to triangulate three possible locations where Deshed could be holding Casey. The cold air felt like needles pressing on his face as he drove on the main road. His brown eyes were laser sharp. He didn't care how long it took to find Casey.

Agent X Dark DescentWhere stories live. Discover now