Chapter 43

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Quietly activating the expansion magic in time, I carefully summoned Kang Yi-chan's physical abilities.

This guy was excellent at analyzing notes and arranging harmonies. He have a keen ear and can accurately find the necessary notes. You could say it's a great ability.

In addition, I added the skills I learned through media acquisition over the past few days.

I opened the composition sequence program, a modern technique for making deep house and future bass-style EDM songs, and turned on the synthesizer.

However, 'art' is not possible only with this level of theory and technology.

What is really needed from now on is the 'third ear'. It is the presence or absence of the ability to find a beautiful melody.

In other words, it is the ability to find a song that fits the trend of the times and can resonate with a large number of people, but this is really not an ability that anyone can have.

But fortunately, it was also the ability that this body already possessed.

It was time for Ghesquière, the best artist in Parapara, no, the best artist on the continent of Armania, to finally show his full potential.

"Sense of beauty, and activating the third ear."

It's only been 300 years. Innate ability is also an ability, but the artistic eye that has been honed over the years is unmatched.

I lived more than three times as much as others and was capable of 'time expansion magic' that ordinary wizards could not dare to touch.

To me, time was simply boring, and the only things that gave me even a little bit of pleasure during that long time were the beautiful melodies and bizarre artworks.

So, I was obsessed with 'art'.

It was to the point of inventing the magic of 'aesthetic eye' and 'third ear' in order to find the best art work.

"Shall we take a look?"

an eye for beauty.

Whether it's art, music, dance, whatever. Thoroughly based on beauty, the blueprint is unfolded in front of your eyes. The ability to select, refine, and recreate the most valuable and beautiful among them is aesthetic sense.

In a word, it means that no matter how poor a sampled song created with Kang's ability is, it can be reborn as the best song through this aesthetic sense.

"Um, I'll trim this place a bit..."

My hands typing on the keyboard got busy.

"Let's get rid of this..."

and the third ear.

It is the ability to convert the music created by Aesthetics into music. Two-dimensional notes become real music and stick in your ears.

"This part is good. I can use it as a drop part."

No matter how beautifully and well-made a song is, if it is not attractive by the standards of this era, it is automatically out.

In other words, it is the ability to pick out songs that can sell.

Five songs were selected like that.

I sent the song to A&R team leader Park Ji-woo. It was because I have to be judged by the humans of this world.


"So you're saying that the sampling song I gave to team manager Park Ji-woo is worth using?"


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